Chapter 1

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I woke up with a pounding head ache. I guess I'm not being spiderman today. I shut my alarm up and sat up. I have to go to school. We are having a field trip today but we don't know where. I don't want to miss it. I walked to the kitchen. Not only do I have a headache but also nausea. This is so weird. I never get sick. I started making breakfast. I'll just do some eggs.

"Morning Peter" said May.

"Morning" I said in pain.

"Are you okay" asked May.

"Ya, I just have a headache" I said.

"Oh, then you should probably take it easy today" said May.

"I will" I said.

I finished my eggs and had breakfast. It helped my stomach feel a little better. I finished getting ready for school and went to school.

"What's up dork" said Mj.

I covered my ears. I think my spidey sense is making the pain worse. Everything just seems so loud.

"Are you okay Peter" asked Ned.

"Ya, just a stupid headache" I said.

"HEY PENIS" Flash yelled.

I covered my ears and groaned in pain.

"Aw did you not sleep well last night" asked Flash in a mocking tone.

"He has a headache, let him be" said Ned.

Flash was silent for a minute. He turned and started heading to class.

"It better not be diabetes" he mumbled.

"Come on, we should get to class" said Mj.

We started walking to class. Ned and I tagged behind a little.

"Dude, is this some kind of Spider Man stuff" Ned whispered making sure Mj and no one else heard.

"No, I never get sick as Spiderman. I don't know what this is" I whispered.

"Oh, you should probably get some medicine from the nurse" said Ned.

"I will I guess" I said.

We made it to class. At 10 those of us going on the trip met up in the gym for the field trip. We all got on the bus and started to go to the trip. I sat with Betty and rested my head against the window. I will nap until we get there. I did visit the nurse before we left so I did take some pain killer which helped with the head ache.

"Kid, you awake" Tony asked shaking my shoulder.

I opened my eyes and yelped.

"M, Mr Stark" I said surprised.

I haven't seen Mr Stark since the day he took my suit back.

"You fell asleep on the bus. The rest of your class is outside" said Tony.

I nodded and got up. Fuck, the headache is back. And I feel nausea again.

"You okay kid" asked Tony.

"Ya, I'll be fine" I said.

We got off the bus and went to join my class.

"Anyway to start the tour I'm sure you all know that I am Tony Stark or you can call me Iron Daddy. MAN, Iron Man" said Tony correcting himself.

Tony nervously laughed and there was a few giggles from the class.

"Iron Man is what you can call me. Not Iron Daddy, that wouldn't be appropriate. Plus that nick name is uh, hopefully already for my hopefully future lover to call me by" said Tony blushing.

"I bet Pepper calls him that under the sheets" a girl whispered.

"But Pepper broke up with Tony. Did you not hear" a boy whispered.

"When" the girl whispered.

"As I was saying welcome to the new avengers base. We have decided to give you a tour of this place. Now to start off, any questions" said Tony.

"Are you single or is you and Pepper breaking up a myth" asked a girl.

"Well first off I would like to keep the questions about the avengers not my personal life but to answer your question. Yes, we did break up. We are still friends and I have done some soul searching and discovered I'm bisexual" said Tony. 

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