Mission Accomplished

Start from the beginning

"Yes Susan!!" Hoseok shouted loudly. I pointed my gun on the Eagle's forehead.

"Get your asses out!" I shouted at the gaurds, who put their hands up.

The Eagle was standing transfixed with the shock and pain.

"Guys listen, I got a plan." I said. "Taehyung, come here."

"Yes?" Taehyung asked, walking up to me.

"You and Yoongi, and Seokjin lock yourselves in the Eagle's cellars in his home." I said. "Then it will be projected that the Eagle has kidnapped the three of you. Seokjin and Yoongi shouldn't be with us like this anyway."

"Okay. Then I'll make some bruises and cuts on us." Seokjin said.

"Not too many." I said. "Now go."

Taehyung, Seokjin and Yoongi hurried away. I knew Taehyung knew the location.

"As for us, we'll stay here till the department police arrive." I said. Then I heard sirens.

"They're here." Hoseok said.

A few moments later, two police officers stepped inside with more men following them.

I knew the police officers, and they knew me too.

Seeing the Eagle, they immediately arrested him.

"Aah! You three did your job very well! Jeon Jungkook is here wounded!" Miss Choi, one of the police officers said.

"Wait! Listen!" I said. "I order you two to not arrest him."

Both of them looked dumbfounded.

"Are you okay, Miss Kim?" Mr. Lee, the second officer asked me.

"I am." I said. "And I and my team have found out some unbelievable secrets about the Eagle and Jeon Jungkook. Moreover, my friend Kim Taehyung, and the Private Investigators Kim Seokjin and Min Yoongi are locked up."

"What? Where? How?" Mr. Lee asked in horror.

"The Eagle kidnapped them. They are locked up in the Eagle's mansion. In the cells." I said. "Hope you know the location."

"Go bring Kin Teayoung-"

"Kim Taehyung." I corrected him.

"Oh sorry, Kim Taehyung and the investigators from the cells." Miss Choi ordered.

"Let me help you." Mr. Lee said, coming forward to the nearly fainting Jungkook. He picked him up.

"I brought an ambulance just in case. I'll take you there." He said, as he carefully took Jungkook away.

A few moments later, I saw Taehyung, Yoongi and Seokjin being brought. Yoongi gave me a small smile.

The handcuffed Eagle was taken in a van, Jungkook on an ambulance, and the rest of us on another small van.

"Let's go." Mr. Lee said, as we all were driven out from the mansion.

The last week has been very hectic for all of us.

Me and my team had to run from one office to another collecting files and documentation and printouts.

The MinKim had to justify about Eagle and show all the documents.

Jungkook was not harmed much, so he was quickly discharged from the hospital.

All of us, MinKim, My team, Taehyung and Jungkook had to have a discussion about the case.

Fortunately, the meeting went well and everyone is convinced.

Jungkook and Taehyung are proved innocent, the Eagle is arrested.

And as a bonus, MinKim and my team have got a raise. We all have been given a promotion.

The citizens are also relieved and content with the judgement.

Everyone is happy. Everything is as it is supposed to be. We all are relieved.

Everything is back in place.

Moreover, Jungkook has been given a chance in the FBI because of his secret contributions as 'Mr. Anonymous'. Also because he knows literally everything about these stuff.

Taehyung also got a job in the journal as the sports reporter.

So, after a small discussion with everyone, I have added Jungkook and Taehyung both in the '☆Forever Bulletproof☆' group.

"So Jungkook? Didn't I tell that we'll make it right?" I said, sipping my coffee while talking to Jungkook who was sitting opposite to me in the café.

"Thank you everyone for everything." Jungkook said gratefully. Hoseok, who was sitting on his right, patted his back.

"That's nothing, actually." Yoongi said. "We just fulfilled our promise."

"But it means the world to us." Taehyung said,beaming at us.

Jungkook got up and walked towards me.

"Seokjin hyung, can we please change seats?" He politely asked.

Seokjin sent me a wink and got up, moving to Jungkook's seat. Jungkook sat down beside me.

Then, he sudden smashed his lips onto mine.

"Oooooo!!" The guys 'ooed' in unision.

I was surprised for a few moments, bit I kissed him back.

"She's kissing him back!" Jimin shouted.

"Do you want the whole café to know that?" Yoongi said. "Cause I do."

"Hahahaha." Hoseok burst out laughing.

But I wasn't concentrating on their conversation.

Because I was busy getting lost in the kiss.

"Okay okay, now stop." Namjoon said. "You're making us feel very single."

We parted from each and I gave him a shy smile.

"So, my dear lovely couples, now that everything is back to place, why don't you both date each other?" Taehyung suggested.

"Yeah! That would be great!" Seokjin said.

"I can't wait to become an uncle anyway." Yoongi added.

We all snapped our heads towards him. Yoongi shrugged casually.

"What?" He asked. "Am I the only one?"

"No actually." Taehyung said, giving us a smug smile.

"They haven't even dated and ya'll are talking about kids?" Hoseok asked in disbelief.

"Oh come on!" Jimin said. "I know they'll have kids together."

"Ya'll are thinking too far, but I'm not complaining." Seokjin said.

"Me neither." Namjoon said.

I giggled shyly at their discussion. Then I looked at Jungkook, who looked back at me.

"So," I asked, a wide smile on my face. "Wanna go out on a date?"

~End Of Happy Ending~

♥︎A/n behind the story ♥︎

Hello! I hope you liked this story!
This is just the happy Ending, but there is more!

Wait for the sad ending!

There will be story sequels. I hope you'll wait for them!

(And I know you asked for the sad ending first Jimine_jams234, but I already had this draft so I just published this first!
Be ready to cry in the next chapter! *evil laughs*)

Thank you!

Love ya'll!

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