meeting you

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"hello...?" a little girl looked up at the boy who had bruises and cuts all over him. he coughed as she flinched. "your name is..." she looked at his name tag. the teacher had given student name tag pins to go on their uniform, so other children could befriend them. today was the first day of school after all. "amane yugi!" she announced. she then looked at his arms, then at his face that had dirt and scratches.

"why...are you hurt, yugi-san?" he didn't reply. amane looked at her with a sad expression. the little girl sat next to him. "i'm okay." he finally spoke, his voice soft and delicate. not one voice crack. "you speak!" the girl shouted in his face. she quickly backed away. "oh, i'm sorry. my mommy said it's rude to be in people's faces like that."

amane looked to the side she sat and smiled slightly. "it's okay." he said. the girl smiled. "my name is y/n l/n!" she then took off her pin, accidentally poking herself. "ouch!" she then brushed off the pain and showed the brown-haired boy in front of her. "see!" amane looked at the pinned that was shoved in his face. his expression was blank. he didn't know what to say.

"yugi-san! do you want to be my friend!" y/n asked. "okay." he replied. "come on, you have to say it like you mean it or i'll be sad!" y/n got up and stood in front of him. "amane yugi..." she put her hand out in front. she signaled him to get up and so he did. the short kids stood in front of each other. one smiling and happy while the other confused and hurt. "i want to be your friend!" she continued her sentence.

amane smiled slightly again. small happiness filled his heart. he knew that this young girl would change his life forever. "i want to be yours too." the girl cheered with amane. today was the day that they became friends...childhood friends...and maybe lovers. "yugi-san, thank you." "for what?" he turned his head to her as she stared forward. "for being my friend. without you, i would be alone." she finally tuned to him.

amane blushed a little. "no problem." he replied. they got up and sat by a big tree with huge branches and beautiful green leaves. "and l/n-san. you don't have to call me 'yugi', you can call me 'amane-kun' if you'd like." amane handed her a flower he found near the tree while they were walking there. "really? that's cool." she smiled. "then you can call me 'y/n-chan' hehe!" she giggled as she put the flower in her behind her ear.

"do you have siblings, amane-kun?" y/n asked with a smile. "yes, i have a little brother. he is my twin. his name is tsukasa. he gets pretty violent whenever you try to do something to him...even just to get him to play with you. he gets really mean!" "is that why you have those cuts and bruises, amane-kun?" "oh-! no! of course brother would never hurt me!" "are you sure?" y/n tilted her head.

"i'm...very sure." he hesitated. y/n noticed his hesitation but didn't say anything. she knew he was just going to lie again, so she didn't bother to speak. "amane-kun." "what, y/n-chan?" "i'm going to change your life. i'll stop the people who are hurting you." she grabbed his wrist that had bruises all over. he flinched in pain but he didn't say anything. "i promise, amane. i promise i'll make you happy."

she stood in front of amane, hands on her waist, wind blowing her soft h/c-hair. she truly looked like an angel. "is that what you wish for?" she asked, leaning into his face, noses almost touching. "my wish?" "yes! you have wishes right? i wish to live for another one-hundred years!" "yeah, i have a wish. i guess it's for me to...stop getting hurt." he turned away.

"your wish is my command." the little girl spoke. "and like i said before, i promise to save you from your suffering." amane didn't speak. he looked up at the girl standing. "i'm counting on you." this precious moment ended when amane asked, "how are you going to do that?" awkward silence flooded around them. "well...who's hurting you?" amane stood quiet. "amane-kun, you have to tell me. how am i going to help if you-"

"just drop it, okay?" amane put his small hand on her shoulder with a smile on his face. "i don't want you to get hurt either. you' only friend, y/n-chan." "but i promised." "we're only 8, y/n-chan. i'm okay. i know this is temporary. soon everything will go away and i'll be able to live for a long time."

"okay, amane, i won't help you." she put her hands behind her back and crossed her fingers. "i know it feels wrong to say that, y/n, but it's what i want." "it's okay, amane. let's go play!" she gently grabbed his hands, entwining her fingers with his. she had painted colored nails while his were cut from him biting them. "let's celebrate our new friendship, amane-kun." "let's go!" he sounded happy, happy he has a new friend. now neither of them are alone.



"hey, mitsuki-sama, tell me about yourself when you were a little girl!" a creamed-haired girl asked. "oh, yashiro-san, i would if i could. but once i'm free from this curse then i'll tell you everything." the supernatural smiled at the yashiro. "if i'm still here." she mumbled. "what was that, mitsuki-sama?" "oh, nothing." she waved her hands innocently.

"have you seen, hanako-kun?" asked the school wonder. "no, i haven't. i'm sorry, mitsuki-sama." "yashiro-san, we'll be friends forever right? we won't be separated...right?" the un-named girl walked forward a bit, closer to yashiro than before. "of course!! we can be friends forever." the school mystery smiled and grabbed yashiro's hand.

"promise?" asked the supernatural. "i'll soon graduate, mitsuki-sama. i'll leave in a few years." mitsuki didn't want to mention anything about her death coming soon, she brushed it off. "well, live life till it's fullest." "thank you!" said yashiro. "i know in the future we won't see each other, but we have to stick together for now. you, me, kou-kun, mitsuba-kun, and hanako-kun."

"why are you saying this, mitsuki-sama...?" "doesn't matter." mitsuki walked out the bathroom but before she left she turned around. "i didn't want to die at a young age...or maybe i did? nobody knows why or how. neither do i. i can hardly remember. but i think it was because of someone. i just...don't remember who. i sometimes dream about them." she put her hand on the doorknob. "i can see how everything looks so clearly but i can't see their face. it's blurry." she dusted her skirt. "help me, yashiro-san, help me find out that person and how i died. i need to know so i can move on." and with that sentence, mitsuki walked out the bathroom. not saying another word more.

"mitsuki-sama, just who exactly are you and what did you go through...?" yashiro asked herself as she finished sweeping. she kept thinking about mitsuki's request. "help her find who killed her perhaps?" yashiro put her hand on her chin. "she was murdered?!?" she then looked up. "no, that can't be it. hmm, maybe a look in her boundary will help. i'll go get kou-kun!"

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