Unless you were Ona'je.

"I would watch your mouth." Ona'je semi warns her.

"Why? The girlfriend around? Where is she by the way? I thought this was a reunion." Rossi says jokingly.

Ona'je expression stays emotionless as he eyes the woman before motioning to his woman. Brooklyn stood across the room darts in her hand as she launches them at the board. Each one landing perfectly. Though the club was active and moving around them it seemed like everything slowed when he looks at her.

"It's rude for her to let you take this meeting all by yourself. I heard y'all was partners. Sounds like your the brains behind it all." She says. She was trying to butter him up. To see if this was all a façade, him and Brooklyn's relationship. If it was as serious as she's heard or if it was just two weird ass people with one another.

Ona'je stays silent wanting to kill her. He hated when people tried to disrespect Brooklyn, especially when it was out of jealously.

Rossi realizes he's not going to say much so she leans in smelling him. Specifically smelling his lips, the good smell causing her to smile. "You smell good." She compliments thinking it's something he put on. Though it did smell feminine she still wanted an excuse to flirt.

This time Ona'je smirks. "Thanks it's my girls pussy." He glances over in the direction of her watch as she holds on of the darts in her hands eyeing Rossi's closeness to him.

Ona'je's smirk turns into a full on smile as he watches her walk over towards them. Each stride giving off confidence but anger too. She walks up toward us and before Rossi can say another word she yanks her back by her hair knocking her to the ground. The floors making her slide slightly. Brooklyn grips the dart launching it in her direction perfectly making it go right into Rossi's arm.

Ona'je only accepted the meeting with Rossi cause he was curious on what she'd say. Over the year they've been having damn near a war. Stealing each other's workers, fighting over where who would sell what, and each time OD & Brooklyn came out on top. Brooklyn herself developing a certain deep rooted hate for her old friend. That's why she preferred to stand across the room while Ona'je had whatever talk they were having. Wasn't till she saw Rossi all in his face that she decided to come over and do something about it.

Rossi let out a wince fear in her eyes as she damn near slid across the floor to back away. Brooklyn steps towards her causing Ona'je to snake a arm around her. "What's the fun in having a enemy if all of ours is dead?" O says cooly into her ear.

Brooklyn was still mad. In her eyes Rossi been a hating ass bitch. She did some fake shit in the past but it seem like the more she saw Brooklyn and Ona'je coming up the more Rossi decided that instead of putting all her efforts into legal business she started wanting to do illegal business. But it didn't take a physic to know that she couldn't and wouldn't ever keep up.

Brooklyn leans down to her level. "One day you gone get what the fuck you deserve. Now get out of here."

Rossi looks around before removing the dart of her arm. She holds her arm standing up she walks off quickly. Noticing that her "guards" she usually had around her disappeared. Just bother sign that people were beginning to turn their back on her quickly for Ona'je and Brooklyn. She has to do something.

And she has to do something quick.

And she has to do something quick

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