13. Give In To Me

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"Your what?!" Both my parents shout at the same time.

"F-Fiancé. Uhm, he, uh... I mean..." Okay, I'm scared.

"Hello, sir. It's a pleasure to finally get to meet you." Danny steps for my rescue, holding my hand in his before holding his right one out to shake my father's. I find myself clutching onto his hand tighter as if he is my only source of support and comfort.

Even if Dada doesn't like him, he still never forgets manners. He shakes his hand and opens the door wider for us to step inside. Danny wraps his arm around my waist again, slightly pushing me in before him then turns to my mom.

"It's really great to meet you, Mrs. Morgan. Hannah doesn't stop talking about you." He gives her his charming smile. The one that looks like a smirk and gives me shivers. He uses it on me the whole damn time. And my mom's mouth is still quite open in shock. It's kind of creeping me out. Oh, she's blushing too.

"C-c-call me Mary." She whispers out, then clears her throat when she notices my father's glare directed at her. After all those years of marriage my father is still as jealous as he could ever get. He's so possessive of my mom, it really makes my heart warm up. I have always wanted to find a love like theirs. I want nothing more than to find that same kind of ever lasting passion that my parents have.

Growing up with them showed me what real love is like and what it does to you. And simply, I learned that it gets you on top of the world.

"Hannah?" My dad's voice snaps me back.

"What? Yes, sorry what?" I blink stupidly.

"I said come with me to the living room while your mom shows your Fiancé the house." He bits the word out and I swallow in response.

"S-Sure." I hesitate.

"Let me give you a tour then." Mom beams, taking Danny by the arm and leaving me with my red-from-anger faced father. Danny spares me a quick look of uncertainty and I see the debate in his eyes whether to leave with my mother or stay with me, but before he can even decide he gets dragged away.

"Who the hell is that?" My dad urgently whispers once they were out of earshot.

"Dada, I know It's all of a sudden and all, but please calm down and keep an open mind."

"Open mind, my butt! Who is he? Two nights ago you were as single as the day you were born!" Dad hisses, making me wince. Wow, thanks for the confidence boost.

"I'll explain everything, okay? Let's just sit down together and Danny and I will tell you everything you want to know."

"Start explaining now until your mother finishes her stupid tour." He clenches his jaw. I take a step closer to him and hold his hand in both mine.

"Dada. Before we say anything, just please know that I love him, okay? I know it's a shock and I know it probably sounds stupid to you, but I love him, dad. I need you to keep that in mind, okay? For me?" I give him the puppy eyes.

"Alright, baby-cheeks. But you better have a damn good explanation." He sighs in defeat then kisses my forehead.

One thing my father can't resist, is me giving him the puppy eyes. Ever since I was young, when I wanted something badly I would pout innocently and give him the puppy eyes, and it always works magic since my eyes are insanely huge anyway. They look creepy to me, but my parents say they make me look unique. Their opinion doesn't really count since it's biased, but oh, well.

"I must say you have an amazing house, Mary. It takes an amazing woman to keep it up too." Danny's flattery comes into the living room, followed by a blushing Mary Morgan.

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