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Day before the wedding.

Now that Eren and I have split our ways.. I'm feeling very bored without him. This is all so shitty. Also Mikasa said that we can't text, or call until fucking tomorrow. That's too long.

Ok. Maybe I'm acting like Eren. He would say shit like that. Guess he's wearing off of me? Or maybe I genuinely miss him. Yeah.

Sitting at Erwins house is so lame. I should've went to Petra's. No Hanji's only because Hanji had weird shit I could look at.

I sigh.

I put my suit in my 'room' and stare at it. "I can't wait to get married to you Eren.." I said to myself.

My phone then rang.

I walk over to it and pick it up. "Hello?" I spoke.

"Hey babe!" Eren spoke on the other line.

I raised an eyebrow and slowly moved my phone away from my ear. It said unknown caller. Weird. I then put my phone back to my ear.

"If your wondering why I'm not using my phone.. Well Mikasa took it because she knew I would text or call you." He giggled.

"Eren, we're supposed to wait till tomorrow." I shake my head. "But I'm glad you remembered my phone number."

"Duh. I have it memorized." He said calmly. "Anyway.. I really miss you."

"Babe we're gonna see eachother tomorrow." I blush a bit. So fucking clingy. And I love it.

"No we're not." He said. I can tell he was pouting.

"Yes we are?" I raise an eyebrow. "Did you forget when we're getting married."

"No I did not." He said with a hint of irritation. "It's just.. I won't be seeing you until night time. That's un-fair. Why would you choose such a dumb time."

"Eren, babe, you do realize when we get there it's going to be the afternoon right? And then we need to get dressed so we don't fuck up our clothes in the car." I stated as I walked over to the other side of my bed. I sat down and waited for his reply.

"Hmph.. I guess your right. But please, sneak and see me?"



I stayed quiet. I wanted to see him at the wedding when we're able to stand infront of eachother. But now.. I'm probably going to say yeah.. Or not.


He groaned. "How about you see me now?"


"If you do, i'll ride you all night long."

"N-" I paused. "Wait what."

"Yep. How to reel in a sadist!" Eren said really loudly.

"Fuck." I mumbled. "No."

I took one for the team. I will not allow myself to see him.

"Fine. Don't ask me to ride you anytime soon." Their was a hint that he was bluffing. I know he wants to try it.

"Tsk. Whatever. What are you doing anyway?" I asked.

"Well nobody is here, their all at your place helping with decorations. So now I'm looking for a snack... Maybe another plate of pickles and peanut butter.. Mm."

"Ew Eren." I gagged. "What are you, pregnant?"

"THAT'S WHAT I SAID!" He giggled and I chuckled a bit.

I then heard him start to eat until he cursed under his breath. "What?"

"I dropped a pickle." He said angrily. "Oh and by the way, do you think i'm a bridezilla?" He asked.

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