Chapter 1

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                             Almost 3 years later.....

 Andy's POV

  "Andy, Nymphadora! Let's go, you don't want to miss the Hogwarts express, do you?" My father called up to us. I'd been ready for hours, my identical twin, Nymphadora, however was taking her time. Little could make her happy these days, very rarely did we see a smile light her face, not since Lily, our babysitter, had been murdered by Voldemort nearly 3 years ago. I remember one picture mum took of the two of us. It was the first sunny day in a while, and Dora was actually happy to be back outside. That was the happiest she's been in a while.

                   30 minutes later...

           "Ready?" Mummy asked, before we left

       "Yes Mummy!" I chirp, knowing it will make her laugh

    "Okay then, Nymphadora?" My sister ignores her and stares at our father, Mummy doesn't understand why Dora won't answer to her, but Daddy and I do. She's mad at Mummy because Mummy didn't tell her Lily was gone, she only found out because she went to get the Prophet two days after Lily died. 

          "Dora, answer your mother."  My father says, a softness in his voice that he reserves only for my sister. 

            "Yes Daddy, I'm ready. Twins, Andy?" she looks at me with a hopeful expression on her face.

     " Always Dora," Nymphie and I are metamorphmagi, which means we can change our appearances at will.  We're also identical twins, so when one of us says 'Twins' to the other it means that we revert to our original appearances. It's kind of our thing.

         " Okay, great. Leila will meet us at the station." Leila is the daughter of Mummy's sister, Bellatrix. Bellatrix is in Askaban, so Leila stays with Mummy's other sister, Narcissa. Leila hates Aunt Narcissa, but Aunt Bella said that she has to stay with her.

                                      20 minutes later... 

          " Aunt Andromeda, Uncle Ted! Thank goodness you're here! I don't think that I could have spent another minute with Uncle Lucius! " Shrieks Leila as she runs up to us, trunk and owl in hand

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          " Aunt Andromeda, Uncle Ted! Thank goodness you're here! I don't think that I could have spent another minute with Uncle Lucius! " Shrieks Leila as she runs up to us, trunk and owl in hand.

          " Hi Leila,"

          "Oh, hi Andy, hi Dora."

           "Hello Leila." My sister offers Leila a half smile, which is more than she normally does.

           "Gawd, Dora. Still grumpy as ever huh? Leila laughs, Nymphie scowls.

           " Don't worry Leila, Once we get on the train she'll smile."

          "No. I won't Andy." Nymphie glares at me, " Bye Daddy." Dora gets on the train pausing e\when she sees we aren't following her, "Coming or not?"

          "Just give us a sec, Dora."

                                                                   ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ 

         " We should be there soon." Dora tells us looking at her watch, my sis spends most of her time reading so she knows as much as mummy. 

                "Look!! There it is!"

                "Wow," Dora moves to the window, a smile finally splitting her face. "It's beautiful!"

             "Leila, aren't you coming to look?" She hadn't moved from her seat and she looked really sad.

           "What's wrong Leila?"  Dora surprised me by asking, she normally doesn't respond when someone else is upset

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           "What's wrong Leila?"  Dora surprised me by asking, she normally doesn't respond when someone else is upset.  

                " Mommy wrote me a letter and she said that if I wasn't in Slytherin then Aunt Narcissa was gonna throw me out onto the street!" Leila started crying, big tears rolling down her face and onto her lap.

               "No Leila, don't cry!! You can come stay with us!" Dora hugs Leila and slowly, she stops crying. 


                                 Hey guys let me know what you think!

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