(Gojira): Looks like this won't last long at all.

Shin opens her mouth and bites down on gojira's right leg.

(Gojira): !

Shin fires off her beam at point blank range on gojira's leg which does get a reaction out of the alpha.

(Gojira's mind): She has quite a nasty bite!

Gojira uses her other foot to stomp down on shin's body and presses down on her.

(Shin): AGH!

Shin lets go of gojira's leg as gojira puts her left foot off of shin's body and a second later uses her right foot to boot shin's head and knock her flying across the ocean floor.  

(Shin): AAAHHH!!

Shin keeps on going until she hits the ground and starts rolling for a bit until she comes to a complete stop.

(Shin): Dammit!

Shin gets herself up and glares at gojira.

(Shin's mind): Her attacks are hitting much harder than the last time we fought......I will need to use that move against her.

Shin lets out a roar as she charges at gojira and reaches her arms out to grab her but gojira does the same thing so the two of them lock hands as a small shockwave comes out from the impact.


Shin starts pushing gojira back bit by bit until gojira suddenly breaks shin's left hand by bending it backwards.

(Shin): AAAHHHH!

Shin's left hand lets go of gojira's right hand as gojira goes in for a headbutt.

(Shin): !

Shin counters with a headbutt of her own which manages to actually knock gojira's head back abit and daze her.

(Shin's mind): I have you now!

Shin's left hand quickly regenerates as she gets behind gojira and wraps her arms around her and holds her tight.

(Y/n): Hm?

(Gojira): Agh! get the hell off me you creep! 

Gojira tries to knock shin off until shin wraps her legs and tail around gojira's legs.

(Gojira): !

(Shin): I don't think so, hahahahahahaha!

Suddenly shin begins to glow as purple lighting shoots off of her.

(Y/n's mind): Is she going to blow herself up?

(Shin): Brace yourself gojira for I doubt even you can survive this blast unharmed!

(Gojira): Tch.....

Shin glows brighter and brighter as she begins to laugh in a very sinister tone.

(Y/n): As if I will let you do that!

You start running towards the two of them.

(Gojira): No y/n I want you to get as far away from here as you can.

You stop in your tracks and look at gojira in confusion.

(Y/n): What? I can get her off of you.

(Gojira): Just do it!


You swim away at a good speed as you look back at gojira who looks right back at you and suddenly she winks which makes you smile.

(Y/n): Hehe, why did you make me worry like that.

You speed up abit more as you disappear from gojira's sight.

(Shin): You fool, you could of had him help you.

(Gojira): Why would I need his help when I am not scared.

(Shin): What?........!

Shin's eyes widen to see gojira looking back at her with an intense look.

(Gojira): You better hope this attack of yours will do the job.

Shin is taken back by gojira's serious tone until she quickly regains her focus.


A large flash goes off from shin as well as lighting until a second later a gigantic explosive goes off which keeps getting bigger and bigger to the point where even you can see the bright light from the blast.

(Y/n): !

The force of the blast knocks you flying back as the shockwave of the blast makes it too the surface of the sea which and sends a very large amount of the ocean straight into the air as even zilla, mothra and rodan can see the blast.

(Rodan): Wha!?

(Mothra): Who did that?

(Zilla): Hopefully gojira or y/n.........

Meanwhile with you as you finally managed to stop yourself from flying back anymore.

(Y/n): What the hell! her destructive abilities are really packing a punch now.

You speed back towards the area shin and gojira was and as you get there you notice the whole area is very warm with the ocean floor almost looking like it is molten rock.

(Y/n): ?

You notice a figure standing on the molten rock and to your shock it is shin.

(Y/n): No.......wait if she is there then where is.......

You look at the ground to notice gojira laying right on the ocean floor as her body is covered in burn marks.

(Y/n): GOJIRA!

Shin looks over at you with a smile as she starts walking over to you.

(Shin): Now that she is out of the way.....shall we continue were we left off?

(Y/n): Tch, This time it won't be so easy for you!

(Shin): That's good!

Without shin and you noticing, gojira sightly opens her eyes and looks at you.

(Gojira's mind): Looks like you don't notice that I am fine which is good, now y/n it is time to see how worthy you are of being my mate.......so give her hell.

(A/n): Done and done, a short little chapter as now you get to prove yourself in front of gojira. I will now go and work on my other books so before I go I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and have a wonderful day or night!

Colossal Love - Female Humanoid Kaijus X Male Humanoid Kaiju ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now