"Yes. My father was right. This village is such a drag. I'm going home, I need a hug... and a nap" Shikamaru stated. He stood up and sluggishly marched home.

The rest of the team followed his lead with Sazuki and Sakura not too far behind.

"What do you think Lowell?" Tsunade asked.

Lowell huffed.

"Do you want the sugar-coated version or not?" Lowell asked.

Tsunade shook her head.

"Konoha has royally fucked up and will pay with the blood of its Ninja. Those three were not only Konoha's political advantages but also Military advantages. With them, Gone Konoha has been severely weakened and other villages will take advantage of that. With the time of the yellow flash gone and the older generation losing their touch it's only a matter of time." Lowell said, he looked up and watched as the sun began to set.

"Time till what?" Tsunade asked, watching the sunset.

"Till Konoha falls" Lowell finished walking off.

Tsunade gave a heavy sigh. The weight on her shoulders had increased tenfold. She needed a drink, something strong.


Time Skip


The gentle rocking and repetitive thumps from the horses silently lulled team 7 back to sleep. The ride was silent and peaceful. The issue?

They don't remember riding a carriage. In fact, last Levi checked he was asleep on the cold hard floor. Not whatever soft surface he was now laying on.

Jumping up from his spot, Levi silently surveyed his location. He was laying on sheep's wool with Naruto and Sasuke beside him.

Sasuke was curled up in a ball on his right side. His left hand tightly gripping his new sword, the right was smoothing his face. He looked quite comfortable as he released light, barely noticeable snores.

Naruto on the other hand was laid flat on his back like a starfish. His new Kunai was also tightly gripped in his right hand, but his snores could practically shake the carriage.

Levi looked to the front of the carriage and saw someone he had never wanted to see again.

"You're awake" She stated. She had the same tanned skin, same green hood and the same annoying voice that Levi desperately wanted to punch.

"How did we get here?" Levi asked quietly. He went and sat down next to her.

"I was on my way to Kumogakure when I saw you three passed out on the ground. Since news spreads fast of your choices to go rogue, I decided to give you a ride to your obvious destination." She explained.

Levi only glared darkly at her. The last time it was just them, the conversation ended with Levi wanting to murder her.

"I can feel your anger. But I can also tell that the glass bottle has long since shattered." She stated.

"Fuck off Kaiya. I didn't want your advice then and I don't want it now" Levi stated.

"And yet you still listen to me when I give it" She replied.

"No. Last time I had no choice since you were a client. This time, if you force your services on me I will not hesitate to kill you." Levi said. His voice was brimming with anger. He didn't want this conversation again.

"And we'll help hide the body" Naruto's voice perked up from the back.

"I'll make it look like your death was an accident" Sasuke's voice jumped in.

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