Rylae Lavellan (The Blood Mage): Relationships

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Rylae Lavellan (Dalish Blood Mage): She is a blood mage healer who is able to draw on the energy of the Fade

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Rylae Lavellan (Dalish Blood Mage): She is a blood mage healer who is able to draw on the energy of the Fade

o   In Clan Lavellan after Rylae discovered she had an affinity for magic, she was named the Keeper's First and raised to be taught magic. As a child, her magical abilities were strong, but as she grew older, they never progressed beyond where she started and she found herself unable to cast more complex spells, leaving her with limited capabilities. The Keeper chose a new First and made Rylae the Second, but Rylae was determined to become stronger.

o   After a hunting accident where she injured herself with a blade, Rylae discovered she was able to manipulate her own blood. Since she already knew how to cast magic with the energy of the Fade, she was able to heal herself with blood magic and return to the clan on her own, with no one being any the wiser of her newfound abilities.

o   As time went on, Rylae practiced basic blood magic spells and found it came more naturally to her than Fade magic ever did. In the same year that Hawke defeated the Arishok in Kirkwall, Clan Lavellan traveled close to the city and Rylae met some mages fleeing from the Circle. They gave her a tome they had stolen from the Tower, and with it, Rylae was able to advance her own blood magic beyond anything she had taught herself thus far. However, despite her affinity for blood magic, Rylae continued to study the path of Vir Atish'an, "The Way of Peace", to learn how to become an adept healer and mender. It was the way of Sylaise, of whom Rylae wore the vallaslin of.

o   The clan quickly moved on and over the next three years, found themselves in the Dales. It was in this region, after those few years of practicing in secret, that Rylae's blood magic was discovered by Keeper Deshanna Istimaethoriel Lavellan. The Keeper confronted Rylae, and in a panic, Rylae cast a spell that stopped Deshanna's heart, thinking the Keeper intended to kill her. With their dying breath, Deshanna told Rylae she was forgiven before dropping to the ground dead, and Rylae was distraught. She tried to restart the Keeper's heart with electricity, but her magic was too weak, and with a wailing cry, Rylae fled the clan and disappeared into the Arbor Wilds. When the rest of the clan discovered the Keeper's body, they quickly deduced it was the work of blood magic and immediately decided to head back to the Free Marches, leaving Rylae behind to fend for herself.

o   Rylae traveled alone for a period of time, and after the Breach appeared, she found herself in the Hinterlands, where she was discovered by a group of Venatori. The first time they attacked, she was able to fend them off herself. One of them witnessed Rylae using blood magic to heal herself after the battle and immediately snuck away to report back to Alexius, and he ordered them to capture the lone elf. The second time they came, Rylae was overpowered and brought to the dungeons of Redcliffe Castle. She spent a week as their prisoner, and during that time, was able to convince Felix to help her escape. However, after Alexius warped time itself, Felix completely forgot who she was, and she was left with no means of escape.

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