Season 3 Episode 1

Start from the beginning

Gordie: Looks like I'm down to my ace. Time to bring the pain!!!!!!!!!!! Go, Coalossal!

A large bipedal rock furnace Pokemon appeared in front of Abomasnow.

Drago: Alright, Abomasnow return. Go, Steelix!! Make Jasmine proud!

The Iron Snake Pokemon appeared ready to battle.

Gordie: Alright, Coalossal. It's time for a rock hard finisher! Gigantamax!

Drago: Alright, Steelix. Lets smash him into bits! Gigantamax.

Gordie's Coalossal transformed into a Gigantic furnace, while Steelix transformed into its mega evolved form, but several timed bigger.

Drago: Wow, that is a giant stove! I can make a giant hot pocket with that!

Gordie: Savor your pain! Coalossal, use G-Max Vocalith!

Coallosal dropped down a giant stone pillar and it slammed down on Steelix, then it erupted into flames thanks to its fire typing.

Drago: Steelix, use Max Steelsword! And use Max Quake.

Steelix used Max Quake to inflict massive damage to Coalossal and use Max Steal Sword to finish him off.

Coalossal burst into flames and reverted back into its normal size, defeated.

Gordie: Impossible! How could I be defeated?!?!?!

Drago: Serves you right, you crybaby!!!!!!!!!!!!

Gordie: Take this badge! And the TM too!!! I'm going back to mommy!!!!!!

Drago started laughing hysterically and Gordie ran to the locker room crying. But he didn't notice the camera drone following him.

As Drago went into the lobby he was immediently tackled by Lillie.

Drago: AHH! *falls backwards* OW! My back!! I think I broke my spine!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Lillie: You didn't break your spine. You fall wasn't that bad.

Drago: It hurts thank to all those horrid traps in the gym.

Lillie: Well, that's a relief.

Drago: you would be complaining so hard right now if you had to go through all that!!!!!!

Lillie: well, its a good thing I didn't do it.


Drago: Well, lets go back to our hotel. *cracks his back* AGH! My Back! I think I broke a rib!

Lillie give him the look.

Lillie: Really?!?!??!

Drago: You would be doing the same thing in my shoes!

Later at the Wyndon airport

Iris steps off the plane. She was wearing a white t-shirt, a brown button-down long sleeve cardigan, Blue shorts, brown sandals, and a beige pearl necklace. She was amazed at the spectacular scenery.

Iris: Wow, this place is amazing. No wonder Drago wanted to live here.

Suddenly the Pokemon League Staff appeared.

League Staff #1: Congratulations! You just won a special prize!

Iris: A what?

League Staff #2: A very special prize. Very fitting for the Unova champion. Come with us. We'll get you to the place where you can get your prize.

Iris: Alright, let's do it.

The league staff lead Iris away to an alleyway and immediantly tie her arms, wrists and ankles together so she won't escape.

Iris: Hey! What are you guys think you're doing?!?!?! Let me go!!!!!!!!!!!!

League Staff #3: Oh, shut up you spoiled princess!!!!


The League staff put silver duct tape on Iris' mouth, effectively silencing her. They threw her into a room and locked the door from the inside and out. Iris was squirming around like a caterpillar, struggling to free herself but the ropes were bound so tightly it was getting into her skin, irritating her.

League Staff #1: activate the knockout gas!

Rose-bot: Affirmative!

Inside the room, a speaker are on.


Suddenly a cities worth of knockout gas was poured out into the room by the ventilation system.

Iris: MMMMMMPPPPHHH! MMMMMMMPPPPHHHH! mmmph! mmmph! mmmph! mmph. mmph. mph....(LET ME OUT! YOU CANT KEEP ME HERE FOREVER! WHEN I TELL. MY GRANDDAD, HE'LL PULVERIZE YOU ALL! Cough! Cough! What is this stuff?!?!? Ugh! No. Getting weak! Must... Try.....)

Iris tried one last attempt to break open the door by slamming against it with her body, but sadly she failed and was knocked out cold.

All League Staff: He He He! Have a nice sleep, princess!

Man, what an episode! What's gonna happen to Iris? And what will happen to our heroes in their next adventure. And what will everyone think of the video Drago posted on PokeTube?

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