Jack searched Jamie's face pleadingly, but when no answer came the boy stood on shaky legs. "Jack-" Jamie tried but Jack was already out the window and flying away at full spead. "Jack!!" Jamie shouted out the window after him, but he was already gone.

The wind whipped and swirled around Jack, holding him in a protective embrace. Jack let the wind carry him, he didn't care where, he just wanted to be away. He felt betrayed. He thought Jamie cared and wanted to help. Had they just lied to him?

Jack felt more scared and alone now, and that was an awful thing to be right now. Especially with the Boogyman on his trail from the shadows. Something inside Jack could sense that he was being followed so he hightailed it to the North Pole, but the following didn't stop.

Jack began to feel like a cornered animal. He was getting more scared as he could sense whatever was fallowing him getting closer. Once the Pole came into view he flew higher toward the skylight.

But the figure following him, chased him upwards, throwing black sand like a whip and grabbing Jack's ankle. "GAH!-" Jack yelled as he was yanked downwards. "Where do you think you're going, Frost?" Pitch seethed. Jack whipped his head around upon hearing the man's voice.

This was him. This was Pitch. He'd seen him before, a glimpse in a memory. "GO AWAY!!" Jack screamed. Something about Pitch's glowing eyes frightened Jack. He couldn't place it. But the murderous look in those eyes definately added more gas to the fire.

The sand around Jack's ankle hoisted him into the air and slammed him to the ground a few times. Jack had dropped his staff when he had been caught, so his powers seemed to fail and disobey him. He didn't know how to use them and he desperately needed them now.

He was right outside the workshop. If he could just get there- but he was being thrown about like he was nothing. On the 4th round, Pitch seemed to let up. Allowing Jack to lie on the ground as the Boogyman cackled maniacally.

Jack was so close. Maybe.. "HELP!! SOMEBODY HELP!!" he screamed as loud as he could, startling Pitch in the process. His voice echoed so loudly he thought he'd cause an avalanche.

In the workshop, distant thuds could be heard and felt, but glaciers and avalanches were a common occurrence so the yetis, elves and North thought nothing of it, until- "HELP!! SOMEBODY HELP!!" the scream nearly made North throw up. He instantly knew who it was and his heart nearly stopped.

"YETIS, WEAPONS!" he instructed, activating the Northern lights to summon the other Gaurdians. "LETS GO!" and with that, he and hundreds of yetis abandoned their stations to go help Jack.

"I'm going to kill you." Pitch seethed, black sand wrapping itself around the boy's neck. Jack's eyes widened as he began to choke. He struggled and writhed, gripping at the sand. He could hear the distant rumbling noise of something coming his way but he was beginning to feel dizzy.

A hole appeared not far from them and a large Pooka emerged, immediately going into action and throwing his boomerangs at Pitch. A flash of color whipped past him and joined the Pooka. Giant brown and grey creatures faught off nightmares as a flash of gold and red appeared above Jack.

His eyes were out of focus so everything was like a blur. He lazily clawed at the sand around his neck still, his hearing barely picking up panicked yelling. Jack tried to scream out. He didn't want to die.

"Jack! Stay with us!!" North called out as Jack's face began to turn a threatening purple. Sandy's hands hovered over Jack's neck as he tried to convert the black sand to gold, but it was difficult. The boy's hands gripping at his neck began to slow as his eyes began to flutter closed.

"NO JACK!" and that seemed to revive Jack's fight as he wrapped his own hands around his neck, freezing the sand and making it shatter. He rolled to his side, desperately gasping and coughing as North and Sandy cheered him on, North gathering the tiny frame into his arms lovingly.

Jack gripped onto him for dear life as he let out stragled shouts and sobs. The 2 Guardians had tears streaming down their faces as Jack cried out, almost like when a newborn screams as air fills its lungs.

Bunny and Tooth went to town on Pitch, their pure rage was enough to effectively immobilize him. They could hear Jack's cries, his caughs, his gasps for air, and that fueled them even more.

They weren't expecting Jack's scream of hatred, of pain, of anger, sadness, and fear. He screamed so loudly and so powerfully that a blast of frost and ice silenced the fight. It froze the nightmares and sealed Pitch in solid ice, imprisoned.

And just like that, the fight was over.


Hello Snowflakes

Long and big chapter that I hope you all enjoyed. As you probably noticed I'm taking a break from Curse of a Witch for a moment but I'm still putting out conent at least.

Jack has reached his breaking point. How will he handle this? Will he start to lose his composure, his will to fight? What will he do now that Pitch has been captured?

Feel free to comment or message me your ideas and feelings.

*Jack Frost*

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