Chapter Ten

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forth worth, south carolina is a made-up place by the way. just roll with it. i live in the midwest and i barely know anything about my own boring state.

ALSO i know people don't like when "y/n" cries. so don't hate me. but you have to understand that a lot is going on in their life, and given that they're worn out, they cannot just hold it all in. don't hate me please.


You still hadn't talked to Bakugou about what you guys were going to do moving forward. And you had yet to apologize about how angry you got. Your point didn't change, though you couldn't help but feel guilty for the way you acted and how you ignored him the past three days.

You hadn't even talked to him since the fight. You even tried to keep your eyes away from him, looking the opposite when he sat beside you. However, you did talk to him when a minor translation was needed, and you asked him if his wounds were alright every night. So technically, you hadn't been completely ignoring him.

Although, to you, you felt as though you hadn't spoken in a week. You had trouble deciding if it was that strange yearning you felt in your chest and stomach and lungs, or if it was simply from the hours of work Daniel put you up to.

It was night when you realized you both were staying long past your due. And you were laying in bed when you decided it was time to figure out what was next.

Was it time to risk it and go to the authorities? Could it really be possible that the unfamiliar villain group was as powerful or large as you morbidly assumed them to be? Was it even possible that they had officers or heroes in their grasp? Was there really anything for you to worry about?

That doubt fell from your shoulders as you lay in the bed, too awake to do more than think. You were on your side as Bakugou slept on his back behind you. He had been asleep for longer than your mind had allowed you to think so heavily. Though as quickly as your mind was almost made up, hesitation flooded over your head and drowned you.

What if the authorities didn't believe you? Who was to say they wouldn't think you two were crazy? Who was to say you both wouldn't get in trouble for being in a country unsolicited? You both were illegally in the United States. You guys could get arrested and then would never be able to get home quick enough.

Even if you both got the chance to make a phone call, would you even be able to somehow reach Aizawa and tell him of the predicament? What would you do if you couldn't? You didn't know either of your grandmothers' phone numbers. What then?

And if the villains were connected to any hero or officer, they would be alerted of your presence. Just as quickly as the hope for a solution would sprout, you would be killed and Bakugou would be taken.

You moved to your back, staring at the ceiling. Even with the fog of sleep that began to pull your consciousness away, you made the decision for a second time: you guys couldn't go to the authorities.

You slept soundly for a few hours before your dreamless slumber was overturned by a sudden jump in your chest. You sat up quickly, your eyes darting around the room. A sudden feeling of dread settled within you once your heart calmed. You felt sick. You felt trapped within that room.

Reaching over, you tapped Bakugou's cheek hurriedly, watching the window anxiously. Something felt wrong. And though the feeling was strong enough to force frigid fear into your bloodstream, a part of you thought you were merely overreacting.

You poked at Bakugou again until he stirred awake and sat himself up on his elbows. You pulled him out of the bed almost immediately, grabbing him by the arms and tugging him through the house as you whispered your worries. You gave him a plan that wasn't completely thought out nor finished while you rushed around the house. And while you grabbed a reusable grocery bag from the laundry room, you began to scramble around the room, mentally checking off things you needed to make it through the rest of the day.

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