Part II - Chapter 30

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Today is the wedding day. Dad and Dante are finally getting married and I couldn't be more excited. Tanya has been helping me get ready. I am their flower girl and Timmy and Beau will be walking down the aisle with me.

James' best man is Henry and Dante's is Malakai. I saw Matteo for a little bit before Tanya dragged me to get my  hair and makeup done. I am so excited I have been bouncing in my seat and she keeps telling me to sit still but it almost feels impossible.

Everyone besides for poor Henry has a date today. Him and his longtime girlfriend broke up a couple weeks ago and he didn't want to bring anyone else.

I never even got to meet her. According to Xander though, she was a slight bitch so maybe it was better that way.

Matteo is my date He brought me a flower. Of course it was a daisy. Tanya is Romans. They have been talking on the phone a lot recently and have been closer since she came to Italy for the wedding. Deja is Xander's date and Estella is Noahs. Estella is like my new bestie. I only go with Noah to work because it means I can sit and chat with Estella while she isn't busy. She has been teaching me about style and astrology.

Apparently I am a Scorpio. I still am not sure what that means but she says she is a Pisces. Whatever that means.

Bailey and Jade are also here which I am super excited for.

Once Tanya finishes she takes me to where my brothers and Dad are. Xan and Roman are on the couch tapping their phones. Noah is looking at himself in the mirror like always. Henry is helping Dad with the final touches of his suit. He turns his head to me and a smile immediately lifts on his face.

"Dad!" He catches me in his arms as I wrap mine around his torso. "You're getting married!"

"I know baby. You seem more excited than I am." He kisses my forehead before letting me go.

"Daisy come here." Noah calls me. I go over to him and he pulls out the tuxedos we bought for Timmy and Beau. The two dogs have been following me around all day so we both quickly suit them up. They look so cute!

Taking a lot of photos of everyone I finally pocket my phone and sit next to Roman and Xander. We play games on our phones before the wedding ceremony starts.

I get slightly nervous but one encouraging hug from Dad is all I need as I walk through the doors. Walking down the aisle I see a lot of people who I don't know which makes me anxious but when I catch sight of all of my friends I wave to them.

I throw the pink rose petals on the floor and can't help it when I see Matteo in the aisle seat. I throw some at his face continuing my walk down the aisle. I get a few chuckles at my actions. He scrunches his face up and I ignore the glare he gives me.

Once I make it to the front I go and take my seat next to Noah and Xander. I wiggle around all excited.

I am so happy for them.

Dad deserves to be happy and so does Dante.

The music starts playing and Dante walks down the aisle first. He has a smile on his face and when he sees me giving him the thumbs up he playfully rolls his eyes. Then once Dante is up with the official and Malakai I see Dad walk down too.

I watch as they do the wedding ceremony stuff, you know like their vows and then the official says her part before they put the rings on and kiss.

After the magical ceremony I run up to them and hug them both. "You guys are married! I knew you were soulmates right from when I caught you two kissing in my art room! I have been counting the days and waiting and waiting!" I squeeze them extra tight.

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