Chap 20: The Undead And The Livings.

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The other fairies looked at the spell with glowing eyes. Dytrow revives Yinker, no.. Yinkash, the Cierious fairy that was supposed to be dead long ago comes back in an uncorrupted body. 

"S-sis!" Hillina sobbed and ran to Yinkash, but Flif blocked her. 

"I'm sorry, but she can't remember anything, we could only use her as an ally in combat." Flif said as he walked forward, letting the other fairies take care of Hillina and Yinkash. 

"I WILL PUT AN END TO JAMEZU AND HIS ARMY, COME FACE ME!" Flif stepped forward heroically. 

Reiji Nevir stands in the middle of the battle ground, he casts his spells, multiple fireballs fired attacking all four directions, Reiji could kill Children of Eirene's soldiers with ease. He walked slowly, his right hand holding an iron spear. 

"It must be you.." Flif stands in front of him, blocking the way. 

"Who are even you?" Reiji raised an eyebrow. 

"Just somebody ready to face Jamezu and put an end to his reign of terror!" Flif took a few steps forward, seeing the spirit in his eyes Reiji chuckled. 

"Well i'll see how long will you last, i, Reiji The Fourth accept your challenge!" Reiji lowers his stance, they both run into eachother and clash their weapons. The corrupted beasts swarms in Flif to protect their commander. 

"Herbal.. STRIKE!" Flif blew the corrupted beasts away, Reiji launches an attack that forces him to guard. 

"H-HELIOS!" He shouted. 

Helios and Jasper is somewhere in the battlefield, fighting as well. Helios heard the call despite the loud noises from the fight. It was as if a signal, a signal sent from Flif's soul to his, he ran forward pushing away any other enemy. 

"I'M COMING!" Helios found Flif in just a short time, reuniting with him. 

"You and me, let's take him down!" Flif said, patting on Helios' shoulder. 

"I won't die. Not this time, because our journey won't end here right? I will stay until the end!" Flif said, they both walked forward with bright smiles on their faces. 

Flif teleports behind Reiji with his shield and slam it on Reiji, using Herbal Strike to cause an explosion to blast Reiji away but it only blasted away some sort of invinsible shield. 

"I'm a mage, not to mention a minion of Lord Jamezu, i know how to use magic and how to deal with magic or energy based attacks." Reiji kicked Flif away and walked towards him slowly. 

"Ugh.. well in that case.. JASPER!" Flif called out as Helios pulled him up. 

"I don't think he just specializes in any specific type of magic, what he possess are spells! He can do whatever he want with them." Helios said. As the call had Jasper's attention, he charges through the row of corrupted beasts. 

"OUT. OF. MY. WAY!!" Jasper reached Flif, jumping right at Reiji with his claws opened for an attack. Reiji used a knockback spell and knocked Jasper away, he stood bacck up right away like a beast, not knowing what pain is. 

Jasper and Helios then both fought Reiji, Jasper took care of the right and Helios took care of the left. They both supported eachother, working in an order and ready to assist one another anytime they need eacother. Flif summoned Dytrow and Rinnako, combining their power with his and heals a large amount of soldiers, the ones who are alive get to continue to fight using the energy of the ones that can't anymore. 

As Helios and Jasper was fighting Reiji, Mukuri then noticed him and found an opening behind him, he ran to Reiji and stabs his katana through Reiji's lower body. 

"TAKE THAT!" Mukuri grunted, Reiji groaned in pain. Reiji swings his spear behind his back slashing on Mukuri's face and force him to retreat his sword. 

"Not enough to beat me." Reiji's eyes turned purple, a symbol appears on his face, a symbol of a spear with mana covering it. Everyone felt a slight pressure, some sort of anxiety kicked into them. 

"Anathema. Stage Four." Reiji's aura became dark purple, the color of corruption and it makes the dead beasts and the dead soldiers stand up, becoming corrupted beasts or zombies. 

"Witness the wrath of corruption." 

Jasper continuously attacked Reiji and used his Writhing Soul to assist him. However Jasper was too reckless and opened, seeing the opening Reiji stabbed him. Pulling his spear out and kicking him off. 

"JASPER!" Helios felt irritated, his friend was harmed by Reiji, Helios couldn't keep his cool and walked forward. His madness was supposed to awaken some sort of inner demon inside and make him go crazy but Helios used his anger the right way. 

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