babies' first snow!

Start from the beginning

"Bonny Jean Naomi! Stay still, baby girl! Stay still! You are such a wiggle worm, my goodness!" Ashley says as she tries to keep Bonny still while changing her clothes.

Bonny happily babbles and smiles as she continues to wiggle around. 

"Jacob is becoming a wiggle worm too! He likes to hang out and relax most of the time! Just like his Dad! Yes, you are just like your Daddy!" Jill says in a babyfied voice at her baby boy and Jacob smiles up at his Mommy.

Ashley begins to smell a familiar but stinky smell of poop.

"I smell poop. Who pooped? Which one of you popped? I know it wasn't Bonny! I literally just put her diaper on!" Ashley says as she checks Bonny's diaper just to be 100% sure.

The smell isn't coming from Bonny, so Ashley checks Eugenia's diaper next.

As Ashley checks Eugenia's diaper, Jill checks Jacob's diaper and Jill found the culprit of the poop smell.

"It's Jacob! You pooped, mister! Peeyew! You are stinky! Stinky boy?" Jill says in a babyfied voice, causing Jacob to smile up at her.

"You are a stinky boy, Jakey!" Ashley says as she gets a diaper and some wipes for Jill to use.

Jill quickly changes Jacob's diaper before she gets him redressed!

After lots of wrangling and diaper changes, Jacob, Eugenia and Bonny are now ready for their first ever snow day! 

Jill carries Jacob in her arms while Ashley carries both Eugenia and Bonny in her arms!

Jill carries Jacob in her arms while Ashley carries both Eugenia and Bonny in her arms!

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*Jacob, Eugenia and Bonny's snowsuits*

Jill, Jacob, Ashley, Eugenia and Bonny all walk downstairs together and they are greeted by a very happy Commander and Major.

"Hi, Comamnder! Hi, Major! Dad was able to get your two little coats on, huh?" Jill says, petting Commander and Major's heads one big one.

Commander and Major both have little blue coats on that Joe's sister Valerie bought them for Christmas to wear during the winter.

"Aw! They look cute with their little coats! Auntie Val is going to love that they are wearing them!" Ashley says with a cheeky grin.

"There you five are! We thought you all got lost up there or something!" Joe says as he smiles at Ashley, Eugenia, Bonny, Jill and Jacob before taking Jacob from Jill.

Joe does some silly faces, causing all three babies to smile at him. Joe can always get a baby a smile in any situation!

"These three were wiggle worms and Jacob had a big poop that stunk really bad!" Ashley says causing Jill, Joe and Howard all chuckle.

"Did you finally poop? That's good! I'm sure your tummy feels a lot better now." Joe says to Jacob as he gives him some soft kisses on the cheek.

"I know, he was starting to get a little constipated. Poor little guy. You must feel better now!" Jill says in a babyfied voice at Jacob before she kisses Joe.

Joe & Jill: A Miraculous Little Surprise Where stories live. Discover now