Chapter Thirty-One

Start from the beginning

I sniffed again, shoulders shaking from the forced back tears. I murmured, "Thank your Dione." She smiled softly and wiped the romance of my tears away.

"Now," She pulled out a small book and handed it to me. Likely a history of the royal family, and the advisors. "This book contains the folklore and mysteries of Rask, I heard from a little birdie that you like stuff like that so i thought you would like this."

Heat creeped into my cheeks and I smiled softly. "Thank you."

She continued flopping back into the cushions. "Those traditions I was talking about? One of them is very interesting."

"Really?" I murmured, placing the book on the coffee table. "In Rask, many of the women only pick their first child's name. We wait until our first born is grown to have another so we can carry out the tradition of each child picking the other child's name that comes after them."

I nodded, settling back into the pillows slightly. "Because no one except a few people knew you existed, I would like you to name this one."

Choking, I coughed into my hands. The Queen waited until I could breath until settling her hands over ever so slightly bigger stomach. "I asked Athena about it the other day, and both her and Aurthur agreed they wanted you to name a baby since you are fourth in line, and didn't get to name them."

I sat there, mouth agape like a fool. I declared, "But aren't they supposed to?"

The Queen explained, "When a mother decides not to let a child name the next, it basically states that the child is a traitor, and a disgrace to the family. Aurthur and Athena both know this and want you to name the child if there was a next one."

My hands moved to grip my elbows, and I murmured, "If they want me to, I will." The queen smiled and nodded before one of her maids walked in with molten chocolate and a fruit tray.

"Now about that damned ball." her grin was almost feral. I smiled back at her kindly, "What were the past ones like?"

"Screw the past," She waved her hand dipping a strawberry into the chocolate. "Besides, it's not like anyone from the past has been in this situation before."

We both burst out laughing, talking about chocolate and that damned ball. We joked and talked for hours before Aldrich walked in and found us lounging. He smiled at us, "I'm happy you get along."

Dione snorted, "She may act like a bitch sometimes, but she is definitely also the most gossipy person I know now."

I glanced at the clock and frowned. My eyes lit with an idea, "Do you have a dress yet?" Dione arched her brow and shook her head sighing, "Not yet, I was going to call the royal seamstress later though, I've been procrastinating because I know my feet will be killing me in a few months." Aldrich snorted and sat down beside his wife, kissing her on the forehead.

She hummed and asked, "Why?"

I said flatly, "Wanna go shopping?" she clapped her hands together, "That is a much better idea." She jumped up from her spot, Aldrich frowning slightly from how he just sat down.

"Do you mind if we take Athena with us?" She asked, pulling me off the couch and dragged me with her out of the sitting room. "No, she's welcome anytime."

Dione entered the Queen's suit and I waited outside for her. She came back in a lovely lilac gown that went half way past her knees. She came out and frowned at my sparring pants and white training shirt.

I yelped as she gripped my wrist and dragged me into her room. She asked one of her maids to go get Athena ready. She pulled me into the dressing room and stood me up on the stool.

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