Love Letter to My Future Spouse

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Hello, this is a secret letter for my future spouse to read as soon as he is mine.

Throughout the years I have prayed, asking Allah SWT to send me a man who always puts Him first. I never understood the importance of my own prayer until recently I realized
the importance of having a man who is willing to do so. I've spent most of my life just wondering who'd be and what marrying you will feel like. I've thought about your smile, the sound of your voice and how it feels when we hold hands. It's so crazy to think you were created for me, just walking around on this earth somewhere. I just hope you continue to follow His word so it may lead you back to me, as my only one.

Honestly, I will never expect you to be perfect because Allah SWT knows I'm not. You will make mistakes, so will I. I know that we will learn from past mistakes, which will make us stronger over the years. I vow to love your every flaw and weakness. I hope that you are a gentle person, caring for parents' hearts, responsible, protective and very loyal. I also hope that you are a shy person with women but only show love to me as just think that your face turns red like a tomato, blushing, it's so cute and adorable. You must be a dedicated listener because I will never stop telling you anything even for a single day, no matter how insignificant or vital it is. I hope you're working hard to achieve your dreams, to one day become a person of dignity and respect, and to be able to make your parents happy first. Do whatever you choose as long as it is for the greater good, for I will always support you from afar and pray for your health, safety, success, and happiness until the time comes for us to unite.

You've opened my heart
I was always thinking that love was wrong
But everything was changed when you came along
Oh and there's a couple of words I wanna say
For the rest of my life
I'll be with you
I'll stay by your side honest and true
'Til the end of my time
I'll be loving you, loving you

I think you would know this song, just like the lyrics by Maher Zain, it tells how I feel. I closed my heart and never let anyone in. I never believe in love because I always see failures all around and love makes people weak. However, who would know that it's you who teach me the meaning of love and proof it only makes us stronger into each other. For you, I promise to always be by your side throughout every trial, difficult day, and hardship that may come our way. I promise to always see the good in you, reminding you who you are in case you ever start to lose sight of that. I promise to love you above any disagreements we may have and never hold it against you. I promise to always pray for us and our family. I promise to always care about your every concern, need, and take everything you say into consideration.

I will never pretend I am perfect, I will probably get on your nerves, eat off your plate, steal your yummy leftovers in the fridge, and I may just wake you up at awful hours in the night when I can't sleep. I can almost guarantee I will have bad days, moody moments, and sometimes I'll be downright hard to handle but I know having a marriage surrounded by Allah's love, all the good days and moments will outweigh the bad. I look forward to making you breakfast, lunch, and dinner everyday, doing your laundry, cleaning our home, and always making sure you can find your wallet, keys, and probably a list of many things I'll hear you yell from the other room asking, "Do you know where ____ is".

Just so you know, I'm a good chef. I can cook anything that you want to eat, just name it. You don't have to worry about the cost of living because I will support you regarding that. I am willing to take care of our household even if I will be busy with my own career. Household items and groceries I can buy myself, choose our beautiful clothes by myself and manage chores and housework. I know that you will struggle to make a living to support our family because you are the head of the family. I will be by your side and try my best to calm you down. So, let us together carry out daily activities in harmony happily.

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