Chapitre 1

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                           Washington, 5am, it was still dark in the streets lit by the lampposts. Puddles and traces of gasoline bloomed on the trash-infested sidewalks. The dark skyscrapers contrasted with the brightness of the billboards. Police car sirens were blaring through the deserted streets. Everything seemed dead and alive at the same time. Suddenly, a foot slammed into one of the puddles, loud noises resembling breathlessness going through one of the streets. It was a Man. He was dressed in black from head to toe, his hair was black and strangely with orange tips, his eyes were different colors one was black while the other was orange, his complexion was light brown, he had Indian features, he was tall and of medium build. Finally, the most interesting thing is that he was running at 5am in the streets of Washington. This man carried with him a bag, a small bag like the ones you can only put a small object in. Obviously, he was carrying something in this one.

In addition, 3 men were chasing him, they were very tall about 2 meters high and were very muscular. The man was no match for his captors, flight was surely the best option. They must have been running for a while because they were out of breath. Only then the young man entered an alley that seemed to be endless when suddenly he saw a gash between 2 buildings and slipped inside. The kidnappers did not have time to see him, so they continued on their way looking for him. After a few minutes, the young man came out of his hiding place and ran as far as possible from his predators.

He came to the entrance of a building and entered it. In front of him, a concierge seemingly waiting for him left behind his counter and picked up a phone. This concierge dressed in red and black approached the individual and asked him to accompany him. He didn't retort and followed him to an elevator shaft. Going upstairs, he checked the contents of his bag, relieved, he looked towards the concierge and gave him a broad smile. When they got to the right floor, only the young man went down, the concierge showed him the door to the far end of the corridor and closed the elevator shaft. The individual walked towards the door, it presented itself as imposing and very hard to push. When he was about to open it, 2 bodyguards did so. They were also very big, and our young man didn't feel very comfortable, but that was not the look he made for the person waiting for him. She was a well-dressed lady in a red dress that dropped to the floor and a sheer white shawl. She stood up and said in surprise:

- Blaze! I wasn't expecting you anytime soon.

With a flamboyant gaze and a smile on her lips, she left to embrace the young man.

- Ah ... yes, it's true I'm early but don't get excited too quickly Madame Clucha, you must first see what I'm bringing you back!

Replied the young man looking at the beautiful hair of the lady.

He walked over to the solid wood desk, put down his bag, shot yet another vicious glance at Madame Clucha, and turned it over so the object in it could rest gently on it. It was a stone. What did I say! A diamond bigger than a closed fist! It shone with purple and blue lights and glowed as a wave of light approached. He was breathtaking and the woman seemed to be overwhelmed. She walked over to it and rummaged around it to see if it was true.

With great energy, she shouted:

- Yes! Finally, something worth my esteem. So, thief, what do you want in return?

- Um ... I think 4 passes will do.

- 4 pass! You are still expensive.

- It's a diamond.

- Is a diamond worth 4 passes?

- You decide! However, you can very well refuse but in this case, I will leave with this gem.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 13, 2022 ⏰

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