New friend! ~ Part 7

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[Cuss warning!]

After training, Milk would take a stroll around the kingdom; He personally loved doing this, just seeing every cookie so happy made him smile.

The young knight pranced around the kingdom, soon bumping into a cookie. Milk stumbled back.

"Oh my! I am so sorry!" He immediately said, looking at the cookie.

They were purple, they didn't have a top, they only had sleeves with shoulder pads. The cookie had light purple hair with a scar above the eye.

"WATCH WHERE YOU'RE GOING NEXTTIME, ASSHOLE!" The cookie shrieked, glaring at the knight in front.

"I am so sorry!" Milk replied before hurrying away. He had to admit, the cookie seemed pretty angry about something, in which he didn't want to anger the cookie more.

The purple cookie only scoffed before continuing his walk. You could probably hear that he was grumbling to himself from a few feet away.

Milk shuddered, glancing back at such cookie. Maybe, just maybe, he could help with that anger the cookie has. He smiled at the thought; Maybe he could help the cookie! Become friends with such cookie! That'd be nice.

The knight decided that he'd approach such cookie, in an attempt to become friends.

Milk began his happy walk yet again, looking around for the big, purple cookie. He had a smile on his face as he looked at all the happy cookies.

Some were unhappy, though most were filled with joy.

Milk loved seeing the kingdom so lively, it was heartwarming. He turned to look in front of him, maybe the cookie had swooped in front? The knight shook his head, there was no cookie there.

He circled around the bar, then heard faint yelling. Milk frowned, instantly switching directions and heading towards the yelling.

"WHY THE FUCK CAN'T YOU LEAVE ME ALONE?! YOU'RE MESSING WITH THE WRONG COOKIE HERE, KIDDO!" The purple cookie shouted; There sat a child with cherry bombs in her hands, she looked as if she was going to cry.

The large, purple cookie lifted his weapon, swinging it. The weapon seemed to have hit a shield; this made the cookie rather confused; He was even more mad than before.

Milk kept the shield up, helping the child up to her feet before she darted away; The child's face was damp with tears.

"WHAT THE FUCK??" The purple cookie hissed, in which Milk looked back at the angered cookie.

"You can't just attack a child!" He argued back.

"THAT CHILD WOULDN'T LEAVE ME ALONE!" They responded, glaring at Milk; It sent shivers down the knights' spine.

"Look.. How about we go sit down somewhere.. Somewhere quiet! Would you like that..?" Milk asked, glancing at the ground nervously. The knight still had the shield up, incase the cookie were to attack abruptly.

"..FINE." The bigger cookie spat, crossing his arms.

Milk finally released the shield, "Follow me!" He started towards a small path leading outside of the kingdom.

The purple cookie followed behind, grumbling.

"Here we are, please, take a seat!" Milk patted the grass, sitting down as well. The cookie did so, crossing his legs.

"We can.. We can talk about it if you want, or do you want silence..?" The knight nervously asked, glancing at a tree.

"Silence." They responded, crossing their arms yet again before looking away. Milk gave a nod and started to fidget with the grass or his staff.

About 10 minutes went by, the purple cookie finally looked back at Milk, who looked up at the cookie.

"So.. What's your name? I'm Milk Cookie!" The knight asked with a bright smile. The bigger of the two blinked, glancing to his side.

"Purple Yam Cookie." He responded, glancing to the cookies shield.

"What a nice name! Do you want to walk back?" Milk asked once again, in which Yam nodded.

The two stood, grabbing their things. The knight lead Yam back to the kingdom, then went his separate way; Milk went home. Yam, on the other hand, walked to the park.

The knight arrived at his home; he couldn't believe that he made a new friend! Milk slipped off his poncho and walked to his room. He set the poncho on the bed before picking out some comfortable clothes from the dresser.

Milk spun around, walking into the bathroom to get changed. Afterwards, he put the poncho back on; Milk liked having the poncho on, it was warm.

The knight thought for a moment.. What if he got Yam a poncho too? They could be poncho buddies! Milk smiled at the thought before hurrying down the steps and out the door.

He went to one of the clothing stores in town, asking if they sold ponchos.

"Oh, yes! Over there!" The cashier pointed to a corner which was stocked with different colored ponchos. Milk thanked the cookie before hurrying over.

The knight tapped his chin; He wasn't sure what poncho to get. Soon, he decided on a nice purple one. Milk smiled, making his way back to the cashier to purchase.

He ran his way home, setting the purple poncho on the counter as he looked for a box. Milk soon found a small box; he had ordered only a doorbell. The knight set the box down and folded up the poncho, he then carefully set it in the box before covering it up. He hurried over to grab a small bit of tape to keep the box closed.

Milk grabbed the box before hurrying out yet again. He needed wrapping paper, like for a present. The knight went in random stores to try and find some. It was a bit difficult but soon enough, he found the perfect wrapping paper. It was white with gold and purple sparks.

After purchasing, Milk ran back home to wrap up the gift. He then left it on the counter with a note attached. The knight would give Yam the gift tomorrow, he was too tired to do so. Milk had been running around and training, he needed a break.

Milk patted the gift before walking to the living room. He picked up the remote and turned on a show that he enjoyed a LOT. It was a cartoon, so what? He liked it! Soon after beginning the show, the knight felt pretty tired.

He glanced out towards the window; It was sunset. Sleeping early wouldn't be an issue! Milk turned off the TV and set the remote on the coffee table before making his way up the stairs and into his bedroom. He shut off the lamp before crawling into bed. The knight pulled the covers over himself, snuggling in the warmth of the blanket.

Soon enough, Milk had fallen asleep; He was out before the moon even rose.


I am SO sorry for the wait, I'll try my best at adding more chapters frequently.

1143 Words

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