3) Mission Briefing

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(Another short chapter.)

The six of us sat on the floor in a spare room awaiting the bossman's lecture impatiently. I sat between Tomura and Toga, keeping a dismal expression on my face.

No matter whether this was a stupid mission or one that made us some sweet cash, I needed to be ready to show my full support. End of story.

My brother then started explaining the mission.

"Tonight we are going to be going to a monthly gang meetup, with some of the bigger yakuza names of this area going to be there. What we are aiming to accomplish is the kidnapping and assassination of one of the bigger leaders, going by the name Kaplan. We've already been given half of the promised cash, and they're willing to pay extra if we do it without them being suspected for the murder. Something personal between the two leaders." He shrugged and paused, glancing around the room before continuing.

"We need the extra cash. Mr. Compress and I will be the ones to go talk with the boss, and Compress will use his quirk to kidnap the target and anyone who sees. Spinner, you will again be the get-away driver, and will wait in the car on standby until you get the signal. Toga, Y/n, Dabi, you three are backup for if things get messy and it turns into a slaughterhouse, as well as coming to make it seem less suspicious then if just me and Compress had gone. We will represent the League, and if we aren't suspected of anything after the fact, at least we get to get out a bit, if nothing else."

He looked each of us in the face for understanding, before nodding.

"Alright, everyone but Compress may go. We leave in four hours."

The four of us dismissed left, Spinner grumbling about being stuck with the same old job, and Toga bouncing between me and Dabi, saying something about us three being a great team.

I went to my room, leaving Dabi to deal with Toga this time, and warmed up with my blades, incase I may need them. I chose a few small knives and a small gun as my carry weapons, opting to leave a bigger one in the getaway car.

I picked out some dark, more casual clothes than usual, and took a quick shower, changing into them. I would need to re-dye my hair in a few days I noticed, my roots were showing just a tad more than I had originally thought. If Toga hadn't used so much glitter spray she would have definitely noticed.

I then went down and sat at the bar while we waited for the mission. It was a bit exciting, to say the least. Today was gonna be fun. We'd be getting out a bit and I'd probably get to blow some brains out.

word count 1/17/22: 355

EDITED! 11/5/22 new word count: 488

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