[ C h a p t e r 2 ]

48 2 11

Hinata POV:

I stared at the guy touching my forehead. I was very confused who he was..but yet--he looked so familiar.. . I let him touch my forehead. He seemed sweet! I put a smile on my face. He-..started tearing up..? I got confused. It's as if he knew me..

"H-Hinata It's me Kageyama. D-Don't play around with me." He told me.

I tilted my head in confusion. 

"Playing around? I'm not..Mr. Kageyama sir!" I responded.

"M-..Mr..? W-What happened to Kageyama-kun..?"

The word Kageyama kun sounded so familiar. But I can't remember where from.. . It looked like he was about to cry harder. I stare at him more confused.

"Okay then erm..Kageyama-kun..whoever you are..why are you here?" I ask.

He went silent. He didn't wanna answer me..

"I-i'll be back." He said standing up heading to the bathroom.

He left something on my bedside table. 'What is this?' I thought. I picked it up. 

"A sun..?" I question. 

I'm pretty sure I saw him have a moon one on his ring finger.. . I was going to get up to walk to check if he's okay! But my nurse came in and said If I want to go somewhere I MUST. use my wheelchair.. . I carefully got up from my bed while the nurse helped me get into my wheelchair. I move my wheels to the bathroom. 

"H-" I stopped. I was going to say Hello. But I heard something..

'Hey!! It's Hinata!! I'm sorry i'm not available at the moment- but thanks for calling~ I'll check on your call later! But..I know whos calling..I'M PHYSIC!!! Lemme guess, Kageyama? *small chuckle in voice mail background* hehe! I bet it's you!! Well, I'll see you! Love you~'

..I heard the voicemail replay many times..The voice was mine..whilst the voice mail replays many times, I hear a quiet crying in a stall..

"I miss you Hinata..! W-where are you.." I heard a voice in the stall say.

'Miss me..?' I thought. Then I heard the voice mail and switched to another voice..

'Hey Hinata. Heh. You dumbass..You are physic aren't you? Hah..But hey was just asking if you wanted to get boba today? I'm free! If you can, message me back, love yaa~' 

My eyes widened isn't that..that Kageyama guys voice? The crying continued. 

"Remember when we had boba together that day..?" I heard the voice say to himself

"Don't you remember Hinata..When you loved me..?" He said once more to himself.

My mind..was getting confused..It's like having a deja vu..


"When I loved you..?"

~note from A/N-chan~

Funny enough, this story is based on a roleplay me and my friend had! Except It was Kageyama who was forgetful. I hurts to write the voicemail parts here! *cries in japanese* It made me sad that the fact Kageyama would replay a voicemail just to hear Hinata's way of talking to him before the accident :(. It just pains me yk? He would replay a voicemail when someone he loved can't remember him or someones mad at him. I would do that too as a Kageyama kinnie too :(. But as a Hinata main, He would probably write someone's name on a sticky note and put it on a volleyball and hug it tight while crying and apologizing..Still pains me to write these kinds of stories!! But they end up good sometimes yk? Unless you were reading he smelled like oranges..

But thankfully its a angst to fluff ^^!

Later lovelies~

" Will you remember me now..? " {Kagehina angst to fluff~}حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن