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One of the worst memories I had, in my opinion. Was the first time I had ever seen this place. Before, I didn't even know it existed! My parents had driven me. I remember the car ride, trees maybe? There were a lot of trees, a forest? That was probably it. Everything before then was a haze. The ride was silent and awkward. The tension was thick. It felt like it would pop any minute. It was killing me; I hated it. That memory was a pain to look back on. It was the last time I had ever seen my parents.

The people who promised to take care of me forever. That was a lie. The teachers don't seem to notice you, even if you were bleeding out on the floor. It's not in their pay grade. I understand why they don't care, but still, They could have tried. A familiar frown graced my lips. How can I survive here? I mean, sure, I have friends, but still, I'm stuck with no chance of freedom.

I would give up everything to be free. To be me again, not stuck as a shell of myself. I'm stuck with nothing in sight. The bell coaxed me out of my thoughts, reminding me to be hopeful. I can't lose hope this far into the year. One day I will get out of here!

The class filed out, leaving me and my friends, Ami and Anna. Ami motions me over to their table. "Hoshi!" Anna gives me her signature smile. Her smile always brightened my day. Her pearly-weight teeth make the room glow. We had promised to meet up after class to get lunch together. Lunch will always be our thing. Ever since we have been in this all but exciting school, we've been friends.

They have made this school a lot less torturous than it would have been without them. They might be a tad annoying, but they make this world that much better. They are the people I live for! My lips pull into a grin. They make me happy. Ami rubbed my head. Messing up my perfect hair. "What the heck Ami!" I yelled. Ami just laughed at me. His face turned into a familiar smile. "Come on, Hoshi, Ann' we're going to be late." He said.

Ami and Anna are the happiest people in the school I've ever seen. They're always smiling. Even when the situation is dire. We've been in many situations together. They have always been my anchor. I can't seem to do anything for them, though. I wish I could, but I don't know how to. The noisy sounds of people chattering bring me out of my haze. My face slips into a frown. I wish people would be a tad quieter. Madame would not be very pleased. I'm surprised that all these noisemakers haven't been expelled. And they're so quiet in class, what an enigma. They're probably scared of the teachers. I understand the teachers can really be a bother at times.

These must be the only times they get to talk. Though I also only have this time to talk. Well, unless I sneak out at night. And that is extremely risky. I could get in trouble with Madame. She can get very violent when she's angry. I suggest not getting on her bad side. Madame doesn't bother you if you don't bother her. But she rarely patrols the cafeteria. Though, I usually don't sneak out. I wouldn't try it anyway. Don't want to use up her patience this early in the year.

Ami and Anna are dragging me throughout the lunchroom. I couldn't count how many times I bumped into someone. Those imbeciles really need to watch where they're going! They suddenly come to a stop causing me to ram into them. I glowered. Can't those fools be more careful? "What's with the face, Hoshi?" Ami smirked. He knew what he was doing. I sent a glare at him that could rival Madams. And, of course, he didn't even flinch. I could hear Anna chuckling. Is she making fun of me? My frown deepened. "Come on, Hoshi, we're just kidding you!" Anna says. She punches me in the arm in a joking manner. What a jerk, I scowl. Ami pinch's my cheeks. "Aw, how cute!" Ami coos. "Get off me!" I yelled, pushing him off me.

Doesn't he understand personal space? I guess not. I rolled my eyes exasperatedly. What an annoyance, thinking he can get away with everything. I wished he'd use his brain for once. One day he will get himself killed. And what is he doing now! Anna to? She's usually the responsible one. I walk over to them. They're all cheering like loud baboons. I shuffle through the enormous crowd trying to get in an opening.

Damian was beating the crap out of Akito. Damian punched Akito in the face sending him flying across the room. Akito was a longtime friend of mine. He had shown me how things rolled around here. While I couldn't say the same about Damian.

I always knew he would get in trouble one day. Dang it, that idiot. Madam going to have his throat. And like I had called her, there she was. I had never seen a group of people scatter that fast. Just like that, we were all back in our seats. Even me, I don't want to get in trouble with Madam. Damian seemed to quiver under Madam's glare. While Akito was passed out cold. I envy him now. It sucks; Madam's glare is as Icey as they come. "Now, Now, boys, what seems to be all commotion?" Madam questioned. Damian stayed quiet. I would, too, if I was in his shoes.

Though this is what he gets for punching a kid in the face. And I didn't even think he could hit that hard? he sent Akito flying! Madam pursed her lips. She's probably not happy about not getting answered. "Well, come along, mister, we're going to have a little chat," Madam said in a hushed voice. His eyes were watering.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2022 ⏰

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