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Now we were at his home, goodness it was huge. He was pretty popular so..

"Follow me brat." He said as he walked upstairs. I followed behind him. He walked into a room. "Your room for today. Once you can get a ride, leave." He said sternly.

"Uhm.. Yes sir?" I said as I sat down on the comfy bed.

He stared at me before getting closer to me. He pushed me backwards causing me to raise an eyebrow. He got on my lap and smashed his lips into mines.

Wait a minute.. What the fuck is happening.

I pushed him away a bit. "Uh.. What are you doing?" I asked. Yeah this might be my celebrity crush but why is he doing this with a fan.. On the first time we meet.

"Kissing you?" He got close to me again. I sat up as he placed his lips on mines again. This time I didn't pull away. I don't want to miss my chance of kissing my celeberity crush.


The kiss turned into.. Full blown sex. (Not showing smut until I want to. But there will be smut just not yet. Edit, I lied there was no smut)

Now it's morning. Now my legs hurt. Now I'm screwed. Now you may ask why? Now let me tell you.

"Get out of here in the morning. Don't let me see you either." Levi growled.

I wanted to take a shower but that wouldn't work so I basically just had to leave. I had his clothes on, stiff, but it's better than nothing.

Now I'm going to sneak my way past him with me limping.

I see him in the kitchen sipping something. I continue to make my way to the door with my head down. Shit my phone is in his stupid car.

"What are you still doing here?" He asked with a raised eyebrow.

"Uh.. I forgot my phone in your car. Can we go get it?" I asked with a small faint smile. He stared at me. Like a glare.. "Okay. You can keep the phone." I put my hands up in defense.

He rolled his eyes. "Let's go get your fucking phone." He grabbed his keys from the counter and started walking out the door.

I quickly followed behind him with the door shutting behind us. We walked to his car and he unlocked it. He looked all around for it until he found it. "Here." He said as he locked the car and passed me my phone.

"Thank you Levi!" I smiled at him.

"Yeah yeah. Now go." He pushed my back.

I felt a little hurt. Who fucks a fan and just kicks them out like that? And I knew it. He definitely was apart of the lgbtq+. "Rude." I mumbled.

"What'd you say brat?" He pulled me back to him.

"I said rude." I folded my arms.

"Tsk. Sorry." He shrugged. Sorry isnt even enough. It's rude. But whatever. I go to walk away until he grabs my arm. "Take this card you can have." He gave me a card. "Use the code whenever we have a concert. You can get in for free. You can also see us in the back stage by telling the guards the passcode. It's me apologizing that's it that's all." He folded his arms as I looked at it.

I kinda smiled. "Yeah.. Okay. Thank you."

"Concert, in a week. Have fun brat." He this time walked right past me and going back into his house, shutting the door and walking off.

I smiled and pulled my phone out dialing Mikasa's and Armin's number to see who would pick up. I start walking a bit as one of them answers. "EREN WHERE HAVE YOU BEEN?" Mikasa yelled.



This whole week has been absolutely boring. I've just been listening to music and people who recorded Levi's concert.

I can't wait to go to Levi's concert in an hour. I'm already set and ready to go.


I'm now standing in the back waiting for the concert to start. I stood there as people started yelling "woohoo" when they saw Levi come out, behind him was his band mates.

I clapped and smiled as he started to strum his guitar, probably to test it. "We have a couple of songs preformed for you guys today!" Petra said as she walked to the front of the stage. Hanji quickly ran towards the stage and touched a lot of people's hands causing Levi's emotionless face to turn into a disgusted face.

I laughed a bit before he pulled Hanji back onto the ground. Once again, people said 'LEVI' I rolled my eyes.

They smiled besides Levi before going to their spots and starting their song. (No song for this chapter!)


During one of the songs, he looked at me for awhile as he sung. I stared back at him, almost close to blushing. He slowly tilted his head at me before closing his eyes and turning around while spinning his guitar around.


After the concert I went straight to the backstage and used the passcode. I then was let in. I quickly looked around to see Hanji, Petra, and Erwin. "Oh hey Eren!" Aw they remember me!

"Hey!" I smile at them.

"Looking for Levi, hm?" Hanji asked as she went over to me giving me a hug. I nodded against her as I hugged her back. "He's already going to his car. You have time to catch up." She pushed my back to go towards the door.

I smiled and thanked her before waving and running off. I looked for him and spot his tiny little self. "HEY." I called out for him.

He stopped walking and got stiff. He then quickly started to walk to his car. I frowned a bit before I continue to catch up to him. He unlocked his car and got in. Slamming the door shut.

He looked at me through the mirror and I frowned as I walked to the door. He drove off and I watched his car disappear in the distance. I frowned.

Why did he just drive off? I sigh and walk to my car. I get in and start driving home.

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