Sebastians POV

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Sapphire was starting to get my on my nerves, and before i even knew it, I had her forced up against the wall, she hit it hard. It was enough to make a grown man coward in fear. But yet she stands here not even fazed by my actions the way I expected, she seems a bit amused if anything.

With anger evident in my voice, I scowl, "Now listen here Sapphire, I am trying to help you! So if you stay still, I won't have to hurt you." I'm trying so hard not to get physical with her.

She smirks at me, "No I will not." She says smugly to me. She was making my blood boil, I glare at her and she glares back, "you're getting mad, aren't you Sebastian? " she says to me with a smile.

I look into her eyes to see if i could see any hint of fear or hesitation or anything in that manner! Of course, i see nothing like always, even her body language is unreadable! I can never read her and it's pissing me off. I can read anyone else in the world, but her now. There was only one other in the world but she's gone now. There's no way that she can come back in any means, but sapphire keeps reminding me of her.

Suddenly, Sapphire starts to laugh. i'm caught off guard As flash of confusion passes my face, Sapphire stops laughing and smiles that smug little smile widely at me, " oh, I just find it funny that you're trying all your might to read me, but can't find anything. Where I can read you like a open book" she said to me, answering the question I was pondering. I was now about to my breaking point, I start to think wildly, 'how? How can she?! I can't read her but she can read me! She's just like HER! She was the only person that could read me. Could Sapphire? No, that's not possible, not after that. There has to be another reason!' I press her harder to the wall in frustration, "why can't I read you?" I almost yell in her face. She smirks at my comment, smirks.

"Oh, wouldn't you like to know."

I finally lose it, without even thinking, I throw her across the room. I hear a crack come from her body as she hits my dresser. I shouldn't have thrown her that hard.

Though, even despite the damaged that was done, I'm beyond surprise to see how she keeps trying. It's ridiculous to how soon she picks herself off the floor. She's just too stubborn to die.

I watch as she struggles to stand. She was swaying like one would do if they were drunk. I watch as she holds her wounds, only noticing the blood of the wounds of her stomach opening up and not the blood that was coming off of her. In expecting her to just fall down or even faint again. She again goes against my suspicions and begins to speak, "Hey,,, Sebastian,, I'm sorry but, I'm not your throw toy. I know,, i know I have angered you but, I'm a living breathing person with skin and bones, not a limp rag doll that you can throw around when you are mad. And I'm sorry but, I-I can't help that you can't read me and tell what I-I'm thinking all the t-time, alright?" Her movement was getting sluggish by the minute. she starts to takes staggered steps towards me, "And im sorry that i ran away from you, but..but...but..but i have boundaries too you know..?" it was almost pathetic the way that she brings up her fist and punches me with all of her leftover strength. I felt nothing. Her fight was short and uneventful, she instead rests her head on me, "so, Sebastian, I'm sorry that I do this to you. I just can't help it, this is who I am and I can't change that fact. It was really horrible right.?" She steps back, Her eyelids drooping, hand by her side and standing unsteadily, She gives me a peaceful smile and i'm amused that she was even able to find the strength to laugh. she sways on the spot as she opens her mouth one last time to whisper a barely audible "goodnight Sebastian" before crumpling to the floor.

I stand still for a moment, registering what just took place a few minutes ago. I quickly snap out of it as I sigh as I run my fingers through hair as i head towards Sapphire, "she is one interesting girl." I say to no one in particular.

As I got closer to her, i notice that she was seemingly shifting in and out of a demon form, though un-entirely unknown to her as i could hear her mumbling reckless mumblings of bare nonsensical words, barely any to be picked out but, 'I'm sorry', 'please forgive me' and 'I'm so very sorry' over and over again like a broken record.

She's like the young master in many ways, yet so different.

I lay Sapphire down on my bed, planning on continuing where we left off and redress her wounds, but i'm yet again distracted from that.

With her eyes scrunch up and her breath becoming strained and heavy. She whimpers as she grabs a handful of my tail coat with a iron tight grasp. Dispute any of my best efforts, the only way she as going to let go is if she ripped my jacket. She starts to cry during my efforts, "Help... Please... P-please help m-me... I'm alone... I d-don't... Want to b-be... Alone!.. The bad m-man is... Going to get m-me... Please h-help m-me! I don't w-want to be a-alone!" She wails.

I try to put her back on the bed again, but her grip on me was still too tight, i would simply just take it off if it was possible, but she has a grip on either side. sighing, i switch tactics, turning around, i sit on the bed with Sapphire in my lap, i pull off my glove and start to pet her. After all, if she is going to act like this, i might as well make it to my advantage.

she slowly but surely calmed down and her wails turned to purrs and her form stabilized. She lets go quickly afterwards and i take that sliver of opportunity to proceed to address her new wounds, dressed her in a new night gown, then put her back to bed. After that, I left the room, re-locking the door behind me, then went to do my other duties for the day.

words: 1122

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