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"I want all cats old enough to catch their own prey, please gather beneath the highrock for a clan meeting, there is much to say." Sunstar's yowl bounced off the walls of the rocky plunge, running to the center, Bluefur's tail was flicking in determination, though her stomach churned with nervousness, Thistleclaw cannot be deputy, he just can't!

"Sunstar's gonna be choosing a new Deputy," Bluefur felt a soft nudge at her shoulder, she flicked her gaze to where she saw her friend, Rosetail, the she-cat's soft tail was dragging behind her. "I know." The blueish she-cat whispered back, "I wonder who its gonna be, just saying if its you, I'll be so happy!" Thrushpelt added, stop, the meetings started!

Bluefur gave an irritated glance but her gaze warmed as she heard Sunstar on the rock speak, "as we all know, I have been chosen as Leader after Pinestar had left to be a Kittypet, this means we need a new deputy."

It has to be me, I've given my life to ThunderClan! Bluefur's paws itched to go up and tell him what Thistleclaw had been doing, but she just stood there, frozen, I can't seem to move, but I have to tell him, now! But before the Warrior could stand up and confront the spiky-furred tom, Sunstar had told her to sit down and let him speak first, "I have made my decision, Thistleclaw, please step forward."

Bluefur gasped out loud, no! It should've been me! She couldn't take it, Bluefur stepped up, "Sunstar, we really need to talk!" She hissed.
The golden tabby tom glared at her, "silence Bluefur, as my former Apprentice I don't expect such fowl behavior from you!"

"yeah Bluefur!" Thistleclaw mocked, this made Bluefur angry, she wanted to tear off his ears for what he said at that moment. "Thistleclaw, you have the right to remain silent." Sunstar said firmly, "now onto the ceremony, Thistleclaw, do you take the role as my Deputy and promise to stay loyal to your clanmates, and fight with your life even at your last breath?" Sunstar questioned, probably

knowing he'd answer a proud yes, of course. "Then I choose you as the new Deputy of ThunderClan."

"Thistleclaw! Thistleclaw! Thistleclaw!" The clan chanted, all except for Bluefur, she'd taken her spot in the back where she hoped Thistleclaw wouldn't brag in her face that he was the new Deputy and not her. If only Snowfur were here, she wouldn't bug me about this.

"Now Bluefur, what was it you wanted to tell me?" Not noticing it, Bluefur saw that Sunstar was right next to her, "n-nothing, all has been said Sunstar." Bluefur sighed, "very well, I now must set out a hunting patrol." As the golden tabby hared away, Bluefur slumped onto her moss nest in the Warrior's den. I can't believe Thistleclaw was made the Deputy and I wasn't, why does he get everything, I've given up my kits and Mosskit just to be deputy!

"are you ok Bluefur?" Padding into the den, Bluefur saw Rosetail crawl in, Thrushpelt hard at her paws, "I'm fine." She grunted, rolling on
her nest and tearing at her moss bed with fury, "no, your not ok." Thrushpelt added firmly, Bluefur felt the soft touch of his sandy gray pelt. "What's bothering you?"

without hearing it, Bluefur saw Rosetail whisper something in Thrushpelt's ear, after a while, the sandy gray tom sighed, "never mind, we'll just leave you be, I'm sure you don't want to talk about it."
"we need to be at a hunting patrol anyway." Rosetail added, "yeah, good luck on that." Bluefur mumbled.

Warriors: What if Thistleclaw became Deputy instead of Bluefur?Where stories live. Discover now