Eztli stopped laughing and got up, wiping his blood from his nose. "Well, you're quite strong aren't you?" He tilted his head, teasing Carmen. Carmen didn't like that at all, as she sent another punch towards the pale man in front of her. Eztli grabbed her fist, smiling all the while. "Your attacks are quite repetitive, hun." 

Carmen clenched her jaw out of frustration, did this man just dare to call her hun? How dare he..! He'll get what he deserves. She snarled, about to send another attack, before Eztli threw her into the wall. The air knocked straight out of her lungs, she let out a gasp as she hit the brick wall. This was gonna bruise. 

Merid watched Carmen get thrown, and snapped back to reality. They yelled out. "Hey. If I really did have an uncle.. I don't think he would act like that." Eztli turned to the kid with tied back purple hair, and turned his head. "Elaborate for me please." Merid grinned, pointing the top part of their scythe pole at Eztli. Eztli stared at the gem on top. 

The gem glowed for a small amount of time, slowly getting brighter. The glow eventually reached a point where it shot a beam of pure light. 

But this wasn't your average light beam, this could seriously damage something if used irresponsibly. 

The beam hit a small part of Eztli's arm, and the part hit became a mixture of ash and blood. The blood bubbled, producing a popping sound every time one of the bubbles would pop. Eztli had a look of surprise on his face as he turned to Merid, his face quickly became one of anger and disturbance. "You little shit." Eztli's blue eyes had a gleam to them, making him seem even more intimidating. Merid gulped and stayed put, although they knew they were gonna get hurt.

And they were right. 

A large metal pole slammed on top of Merid, forcing them to fall face first on the concrete. They scraped their elbows and their left knee. Eztli stepped towards Merid, a sign floating behind him. He was going to use this sign to decapitate Merid.

Merid looked at Eztli's arm, seeing it had healed already. The only thing that suggested the beam got shot was a rip in his sleeve. 

..How did he heal so quickly? 

Eztli was just about to win before Carmen jumped out. "Yo." Eztli stepped back, as the stop sign stopped its swing towards Merid's neck. "Move."

"Y'know.. I don't think I will. Go ahead and swing towards me, I know you want to, Ez." 

"Don't call me that, Carmen."

Carmen smirked. These two definitely have a past connected to one another, that's all Merid knew. Eztli glared at the girl in front of him.

...The stop sign behind Carmen swung towards her neck.

Blood. Blood splattered everywhere. Carmen couldn't react fast enough to dodge the attack.

As Carmen's decapitated head hit the concrete, a scream could be heard. A scream from someone who hardly showed emotion, and only let a small smile slip every now and then. 

Andromeda was staring at Carmen's body in shock, her eyes were open wide, and she was breathing heavily.  Eztli turned to the panicked Andromeda and grinned smugly. Merid looked at Carmen's head and then to Eztli. They were frozen for a small moment, before their scythe materialized fully in their right hand. The bright purple blade glowed as Merid spun the scythe around, getting the right grip on the thing. They made eye contact with Andromeda, nodding their head to signal that no matter what, they would both bring Eztli down. For the sake of Carmen.

Instead, Aria, a black haired woman with black eyes walked in on the scene before the two could do anything. The woman seemed to be around the same age as Eztli, who was in his mid 20s. "..Ez, what are you doing?" Aria asked with concern. Eztli paused, and looked back to Aria. "Ah, Aria. These two kids just don't know how to act, so I was teaching them a lesson." Andromeda glared, and a piano hung over Eztli. She shouted. "Listen here you asshole! You killed my girlfriend. I saw it happen." Aria had already jumped over to what remained of Carmen, setting both of her hands on Carmen's head and the rest of her body. Andromeda quickly darted to Aria. "What are you doing?" 

(discontinued due to theft) The End Of AlamandraKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat