2: our war

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We stood around Cornall as the elders  used their powers to easy his pain and lead in painlessly into his death, I stood next to Udo as a tear fell down my face he placed his hand on my shoulder.
The sounds of the elders magic became weak as they moved outward to let maleficent in the circle, Maleficent took Conall's hand as he breathed weakly she looked back at Borra. He wanted a war and now he was going to get one.

We flew from the ocean to the kingdom of Ulstead, I flew next to Borra and he was the angriest I've seen him in a long time. As we neared close Borra made Sharp Vines crawl up the wall,  Astrong male voice yelled "FIRE!" And many red bomb like things began flying at us. The powder it released turned us into dust I cried out as my sister was turned to dust. My hatred for humans were only growing more.

"WITHDRAWL! WITHDRAWAL!" Borra exclaims and we followed his orders falling back away from the red death
As we pulled back we went low on the sea, up the walls and up the near waterfall. I went with Borra up the wall and Shike lead some of the Jungle folk up the waterfall

As we neared close Borra commanded us to attack and we sure ass hell did, they tried showing us with the powder so we took their men and flung them away. A forest fey got caught up in rope so I flew back to help her, blasting the humans way with powerful wings as I helped the rope off her.

I flew into the town and Shike got engulfed in metal chains I flew to help her as she struggled against the skin burning iron, the army men ruled over to kill us and I grew vines around us making it impossible for them to touch us as I helped her out the chains.
Me and Borra flew to attack the person in charge but I was shot and bumped Borra throwing us to the right,  missing the Queen and going straight threw the stone wall. I saw to males fly down on a kite thing as Borra was trying to get the small iron ball from my skin, I warned him of their presence. I watched as the guard attacked the princely male to the ground Borra flew over there and I followed behind, with a grunt Borra flew down to help the princely male. I could hear the men talking as Borra and I flew over to attack

With a yell Borra attacked the soldier off the prince and I landed nearby to see what Borra or the soldiers would do next, Borra when back to attack the prince and the Soldier loaded a Crossbow and set it off and it hit Borra and he went flying down. I emerged from the hedge and walked passed Borra I knew he'd be fine, I marched over to the soldier. He went to reload but I hit the bow away and I walked closer to him until a burning pain hit my neck

"Stand down!"  The prince said

I turned my head and with a look of pure hatred

"This is not my fight" he said

I looked back at the soldier

"My mother wanted a fight and your giving it to her" the prince said

I looked back at him and my face softened he really didn't want our people to die

"I won't allow her hatred to ruin my kingdom or yours" he said sword still at my throat

I grunted thoughtfully and the prince lowerd his weapon

"There will be no fey blood on my hands" he said dropping the sword completely
A familiar lime green power struck the land over and over in different places, as I flew upwards scaring the prince a bit. 
Me and Borra perched on a near by tower, we watched as a blonde woman came from the stair to talk to maleficent. The queen loaded a Crossbow as shot, maleficent moved the young blonde away from taking the hit. She turned to ash and withered away,  the young woman fell to her knees and cried over maleficent's ashes. The queen was talking to her as guards came up the stairs, I looked at Borra I wanted to help the young blonde he didn't want me to they could kill me. The younger woman went to attack the queen but the guards helt her back, I looked at Borra again I needed to help her, I want to help her, He shook his head.  The queen walked from the girl and and yelled into the courtyard

"MALEFICENT IS DEAD!" Everyone's attention was on her

The guards hold loses and the girl ran at the queen, I looked at Borra. He wanted me to wait, and I saw an orange smoke like magic around the ashes that's what Borra wanted me to wait for. The Phoenix rised from the ashes, big, bold, and beautiful. She was gorgeous.

(Time skip to when maleficent hit the courtyard after she saved Aurora)

The Phoenix rose again spreading her huge wings and let out a call, all our people nealed in respect to her as the blonde hugged the prince. The Phoenix turned back into maleficent, I looked at her and smiled ahe smiled back.

"Phillip" she called "do you love my daughter?"

"With everything I have" he said

The blonde I came to know as Aurora smiled at his words

"Good" maleficent said

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