2) Hangover

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(small chapter.)

I woke up, grumbling about the fucking headache.

Damn, shit hurts.

I left my room, taking a quick glance at myself in the mirror. Messy hair, tired eyes, glorious eyebags, old scars, and just a hint of self loathing. Perfect. Shutting my door behind me, I walked back out to the bar to see what the deal for today was and what shit we'd be doing.

"Kurogiri, can I have something for my headache?" He nodded and gave me a pill, blue I think it was, I didn't look at it much in detail, dropping it down my throat and swallowing. I thanked him quietly, sitting down at the bar and letting out a yawn.

"You know what that pill was, don't you?" I turned to see Toga sitting beside me, a confused and slightly worried look on her face. She was wearing one of her usual skirts, tall stockings, and a hoodie she probably stole off a dead body. Her hair was messily down around her face, which held a grim expression.

"Pain medication, why?"

"That isn't pain medication."

I paused, thinking about the pill. I didn't take much of a look at it. Fuck.

"Kurogiri? What did you give me?" He simply ignored me, shooting Toga an annoyed look. She held his gaze for a moment before she laughed, speaking again.

"Y/n, it is actually pain medication, I was just checking to see if you checked pills before you took them. That could have killed you had it been something bad." I relaxed back into the barstool chair, nodding before standing up again. Toga stood up too beside me, walking right next to me with an innocent expression on her face.

"Oh! Y/n! You said I could do your hair one of these days and that you would do mine! Please can we do that today?" Her begging would be hard to resist, or I could bargain.

"Only, and only, Toga, if you keep the knifes aND NEEDLES, away from us at all times this time."

She hesitated for a moment, a pout forming on her face, before she nodded her head enthusiastically, pointed teeth glinting as she smiled, dragging me to her room and shutting the door. I shot one last look at my room longingly as the door shut, locking me with a maniac in a room with knives on the walls. Fun.

I made myself comfortable on her floor as she gathered everything she was going to use, and started my hair.

I had dyed it about two weeks ago, so my roots weren't showing, so that wasn't a concern. That's why I had put off this little 'fun time' between Toga and I the last time.

She finished relatively quickly, maybe even a new record. I forgot to keep count of how long it took, instead trying to force down the urge to vomit. Partially because of the hangover, and partially because why the fuck did she own so much spray glitter?

Then I did her hair, which was easy enough. I ended up doing it often since no one else would except for Twice. None of us had been able to leave the hideout for a bit, so her hair was a bit longer than usual. I decided to braid it into a fishtail, something I hadn't done in a while that should keep her happy for a few weeks.

When I let her get up, she looked in the mirror and squealed in happiness. She gave me a hug and thanked me before going out to show it off to the rest of the league that was currently here.

I followed out behind her, a lot slower and less enthusiastic, to the living room space. She was currently showing off to Twice, spinning around, laughing. A few of the others were watching with undisguised distaste for her energy.

I sat back at my previous seat at the bar, drinking a glass of water when Shigaraki walked in. He looked like he hadn't slept last night, and with all the pressure AFO was putting on him, I wouldn't be surprised.

"Toga, Dabi, Y/n, Compress, Spinner, get over here. We have a mission tonight and you need to know about what it is a bit beforehand."

word count 1/12/22: 398

EDITED! new word count 11/5/22: 723

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