I grab my jacket and we head outside.

"Where do you want to go," he asks me.

"The bridge," I say quietly. "It's really pretty there."

He looks at me for a moment as if he's going to say something but instead nods. "Okay."

As we walk, we try to make small talk. Just random things that pop into our heads.

When we finally make it to the bridge, he was talking about how Oliver really misses me.

We don't really say much as we look over the bridge. It's really pretty here. I usually come here every once in a while. When I feel like crying.

"I don't think I want to be a doctor anymore," he whispers.

I turn to look at him. "Why?" I ask when he doesn't continue.

He shrugs. "It's too much work. And I didn't know you had to actually touch someone's guts."

"Yep," I say, getting squeamish. "That's generally what they teach doctors to do."

A moment later, "I want to kiss you again," he says in a quiet voice. "So much. And I know you really hate me right now. But I do. I want us to be together again more than anything in the world."

He's literally pouring his heart out to me right now. It's everything I've always wanted.

I cover my face and lean against the bridge wall. "Adam, you left me. I've been trying so hard to forget about you but you just keep showing up. All these people hate me and want absolutely nothing to do with me. And you just go in and change everything."

"Is that a good thing?" he asks me.

I choke back a sob. But I don't start crying. I manage to keep myself from crying. "Yes," I finally say.

Then when I look up, he was already looking at me. Although he wasn't smiling, I could see a mixture of happiness and relief on his face.

That's when his lips meet mine. So warm and soft. I tentatively pull my arms around his neck and, after a long while, kiss him back. His left hand goes around my waist and he plays with my hair with the other.

Adam, who broke my heart to pieces, is kissing me.

"Hey, Emily," a girl's voice says behind me.

Adam quickly pulls away.

Turning around, I see Katrina. A scowl on her face.

"Hey," I say flatly, glaring back.

"Where'd you go?" she asks, mocking me. "I didn't really see you at graduation."

I shrug. "Maybe I just didn't want to go," I lie.

Adam places a hand on my lower back. "We should get back."

As we walk past her, she grabs my hand. "Aren't you going to introduce me to your friend?"

I glare at her. "Adam, this is Katrina. Katrina, meet Adam."

She gives him a flirtatious smile. "I know you're not from here."

He shakes his head. "I'm from Florida."

She nods. "That's cool. What are you doing with her?"

I bite my lip and look down. "Stop."

"Last time she dated someone, he ended up in the hospital for over a week," she says laughing.

I groan frustratedly. "Can we go?"

He nods. "It was nice meeting you," he says flatly.

When we pass the street corner, Adam stops in front of me. "Are you okay?"

I nod. "I'm used to it. She's just lucky the cops were watching from a distance or I would've thrown her off the stupid bridge."

He laughs quietly. "So are we good?"

I nod and he takes my hand. "I was hoping we were," he says softly. "A kiss like that wasn't for nothing."

He pulls me into a hug.

"She'll get what's coming to her, Em. I wouldn't worry about it."

We walk to the apartment. Josie, Conner, and Claire were sitting at the table eating breakfast.

"Hey," Josie says. "That took you a while." She saw the look on my face and frowned. "What happened?"

"Food is in the fridge," Conner says slowly.

They think something happened between Adam and me. Any other day, I would've laughed. But without saying anything, I walk out of the kitchen and into my room.

As I lay in bed, Adam slowly walks in. "Do you remember that day when we first kissed? I was in your living room."

I cock my head and nod. "Yeah."

He lays beside me on his stomach. "That day, I realized I may actually like you."

I laugh. "Thanks."

That day was the day he told me I was the most beautiful person he'd ever met. I thought he had been joking but he told me he was serious. That was also the day we took a bunch of pictures together and he posted them on Facebook. Many of his girl friends sent a bunch of jealous comments. Asking who am I and where did I come from.

He just told them he found a new person to love.

At first I was mad. Meaning he'd loved many other girls before. But we made up.

He pulls out a box from his pocket. "I didn't get for you so you can leave it in my dresser."

After putting on the beautiful necklace, we put in a movie and stayed in my room for the rest of the day.



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