Chapter 8 | Just Drop It

Start from the beginning

"What classes do you have today Solara?" Blaise asks me.

"Erm, History of Magic, Care of Magical Creatures, and Defense Against the Dark Arts." I read off my Monday classes while taking a bite of my blueberry muffin.

"Only 3 classes!?" Goyle grabs my paper in disbelief.

"I've gotten Outstandings on every exam i've ever taken. I have some free range on my classes" I slap his shoulder for taking my paper.

"What about you guys?" I ask the group, noting Draco has been glaring at me for the past 10 minutes. They all read off their schedules, when we finally come to the conclusion that Blaise and I have 1st period together, Adrian, Pansy, and I have 2nd together, and Draco and I unfortunately have 3rd together.

"You're so sitting with me in History today" Blaise throws his arm around my shoulders while taking a bite of my muffin. "Hey!" I reach for the muffin but he quickly shoved it in his mouth.

"You asshole" I grumble leaning over to Pansy pouting. She chuckles before flipping Blaise off, "Ha, she loves me more" she taunts to him wrapping her arms around me, shielding me from the mean boy. The childish man sticks his tongue out at her. I think I'm gonna like it here.

I look in front of me to see Draco is still scowling at me. "Can I help you?" I finally ask him putting my food down to look him in the eyes.

"Yeah, by leaving" dickhead tells me.

"In your dreams fuckface" I seethe. Trust me, I would if I could. His reaction to me yelling at him is equally confusing and hilarious.

He smiles. Well, smirks is more like it. "Watch your mouth Steward, or you might just let something slip" he taunts.

"Oh yeah? Like what?" I taunt back.

"Like who you really are" he states simply.

"What the fuck does that mean?" I stand up and place my hands on the table leaning towards him. He copies my action and says,

"I don't believe you're just some random transfer. I intend to find out who you really are.", I laugh at his statement "Good luck with that Malfoy".

I forgot how boring History was, I truly thought that class was going to go on forever

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I forgot how boring History was, I truly thought that class was going to go on forever. Thankfully, Blaise kept me entertained the whole time. Once History was over, I made my way over to Creatures where I found Neville! I will seriously hurt anyone who speaks ill or bullies this kid. I love him. He's so pure hearted, he told me I looked like a freshly picked daisy on a nice springs day.

Coincidentally we figured out we have Creatures, Dark Arts, and Herbology together. So we decided to walk to Dark Arts together, 'cause we're besties now. He's been telling me about different plants the whole walk. I found out that he hates telling people about his favorite plants because they make fun of him, and i've now created a hit list, Malfoy being at the top of it.

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