First Glimpse of her

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"I never thought that you would seriously give me a chance. I never thought that you would give us a chance. But you have done. Thank you so much." Sumedh says with a smile kissing on my bare thumb.I smile and rub my hands through his silky luscious curls. He is laying on my bed keeping his head on my lap while I am gently rubbing his temple.

"Well, you said that you know me for so long. But as far as I have remembered that we first met at the banquet. How can this be possible?" I ask him being very much enthusiastic to know about his answer. I have been wondering about how we have met before.I really don't know when we have met before. Also he was saying something about library where he claimed to have seen me for the first time.

He immediately sits up. Placing his head on my chest, he snuggles closer to me.

"It's a long story,Mallika. " He whispers breathing some air.



"Oh my dear, where are you going early in this morning?" My mom asks gently placing her one finger under my chin.

"Mom, I want to go to National Library today. Even I wanted to go there for so long time. It's been some years I have last visited there." I explaine hoping that she will let me go.

"But son, you know that your father has strictly forbidden you to go out of the palace now." She says shaking her head in disapproval.

"Mom, I promise that Dad won't come to know that. I know that he is having disagreement with his brother. That's why he has fear. But trust me, I will just go and come. Nothing will happen. " I try to make her understand it. My father is afraid that his brother means Raunak may attack us if we go out of the mansion. Currently they are not in good terms. There is history behind it.

"But I can't let you go knowing that your life is in danger." She stubbornly replies.

"Please Mom, I have to go there. I have managed to get some free times and I won't waste here. I am going and it's final." I say loudly and cross my hands near my chest.

"You never listen to me. Ok, go there but I want you safe and secure. Siddharth and the guards will go with you." She orders me. I protest for going alone but later I accept.

After reaching the library, I firstly meet with the old librarian and others. When I get into the hall room where people sit for reading books, all present there immediately stand up and bow their heads as greeting. My eyes roam all over the room when something catches my eyes. Well not something, it's particularly someone. She seems to be so engrossed in reading a book sitting on the corner of the room. It's clear that she is a lady. She is so busy that she hasn't noticed the prince's arrival. I throw a polite smile towards them and put my arm higher gesturing them to return to their own works.

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