Lava Springs Suprises ~Troy Bolton

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"Yeah, Taylor, I mean, I'm super excited for the show. Hopefully Kelsi will write Troy and I a duet to sing in the staff performance," I explained to Taylor as we worked on organizing the day's events at the Lava Springs Country Club.

Suddenly, two arms were wrapped around my waist and turning me around to look at my gorgeous boyfriend, Troy Bolton. "Did I hear my name? Or was I just imagining things?" I laughed and shook my head, pushing myself out of Troy's grip and going back to my work. "Aw, come on y/n/n, can't we have any fun?"

"Troy, Mr. Fulton is paying us to work, not have fun, and I would rather not get fired on our first day," I replied sheepishly.

"I guess you're right, y/n, but tonight meet me at the pool. Okay? I've got something planned that I hope you'll really like," I could see the nervousness in his eyes, although I know he was trying to hide it due to being East High's golden basketball boy. He was expected to 'show no fear' and 'do everything for the team' which, unfortunately, tended to lead Troy into bottling up his feelings. He has gotten better at expressing himself since he did the winter musical with Gabriella, but he's still working on it.

"Of course I'll be there, Troy." At my response, Troy made a 'yes' gesture by pulling his arm back, kissed my cheek, and skipped back to the kitchen to help Chad bus tables.

"You know, for only knowing Troy a few months, you seem to be the best thing that could've happened to that lunk head," Taylor laughed as she continued sorting papers. "He really is lucky that Gabriella convinced your mom's and her mom's boss to move your family to Albuquerque as well. I don't know what he would've done if he had never met you." I smiled as Taylor's words brought back the memories of how Troy and I met. Gabriella and I had been friends since we were kids. Our mom's worked together, and our families were typically always transferred together, except for the move to Albuquerque. My family was going to stay put while the Montez's moved, which is initially what happened, until Gabriella did the winter musical with Troy after meeting him on vacation over New Year's. She instantly thought that Troy and I would be perfect for each other, convinced our moms' boss to transfer my family, and set the two of us up. At first, I wasn't so sure about dating East High's most popular guy, the 'hottie super bomb' as cheerleaders would put it, and the basketball star of the school, but after really getting to know Troy, not the popular sports persona he put on, I couldn't help but fall in love with him, although I've never told him that.

"Yeah, I guess you're right, Taylor. I'm super glad that Gabriella set us up because as much as you say I've helped Troy, he's helped me even more," I smiled as I walked out of the office to head to the pool for Troy's surprise. "Hey, Troy? What did you-" I stopped mid-sentence, realizing that my boyfriend was nowhere to be found.

"Did you miss me!?!" I heard as a ton of water splashed over me. I turned around to see Troy, who had just cannon-balled into the pool, completely soaking my uniform. I frowned at him, which in return, gave me his signature puppy dog face, making me smile.

"Okay, fine. I may have missed you a little." He frowned at my response. "Or..... I may have missed you a lot." Troy smiled and dragged me into the pool with him, me spluttering the entire time.

"Good, because I missed you a lot, too." He kissed my forehead. "And I have a surprise for you. Turn around and close your eyes." I did as I was told and I could feel Troy's hands moving my hair over my shoulder and gingerly placing something around my neck. When he whispered in my ear that I could open my eyes I looked down and saw a gorgeous necklace shaped like a 'T' made out of gems and it had a heart in the middle. I turned around, beaming, to find a really nervous Troy standing beside me, playing with his hands, and occasionally glancing up at me. "Do you... do you like it?" I could almost cut through his anxiety with a knife, it was so thick in the air.

"Like it? Troy, I absolutely love it! Thank you!" I wrapped my arms around his neck and his, instinctively, moved around my waist.

"If you love it even half as much as I love you, I know it was worth it." I immediately stopped at his confession and stared up at him. He was obviously confused at my sudden behaviour because he quirked an eyebrow and started to grab for my hand, but I just stared at him, gaping. Troy and I hadn't said the 'L' word yet, and he just dropped it like it was the most casual thing ever, as if he has been saying it to me for years, as if he hadn't been trying to decide whether he loved me or not over these past few months: he just knew. "y/n, you're starting to worry me, what's wrong? Did I do something wrong? Is it the necklace? Was it too much? You aren't breaking up with me are you? Oh my god, you are! y/n, please don't, I'll do better, just please, y/n, talk to me," Troy rambled on.

"Troy, oh my god, no! I'm not breaking up with you, not even close. It's just that, well, you love me?"

"Well, yeah, y/n. Isn't it obvious?" he paused for a moment. "Oh," he dragged out the syllable, "we hadn't said that yet. y/n, I'm so sorry. I should've waited and made it more special, but if it makes you feel any better, I meant it. Every word. There is nothing in this world that I could love more than how much I love you."

I just smiled up at my usually not nervous, but right now, very anxious boyfriend. "I love you too, Troy."

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