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"We're sorry for treating you badly, Aru." My classmates apologized.

"I really thought that you're stealing Mingyu away from Juna despite already having a boyfriend. I'm so sorry Aru, I should've seek for the truth first." The other apologized.

"That's okay, things had already happened. All we need to do is to not gonna make the same thing repeat." I smiled sincerely to all of them.

"You're so kind.. Even after everything we've done to you, you still accepted our apology."

"Why would I hold grudges? I get nothing from it." I chuckled.

Both Yemin and I decided to go out from the class because the basketball tournament will start soon but we both stopped walking the moment we saw the students gathering around and we also saw both Mingyu and Juna at the middle of the commotion.

"I used to see you as a beautiful girl, but once I've learned your true colours, suddenly the beauty that I once saw in you, faded away from you. I can't seems to see it anymore, Juna." What Mingyu enounced just now widened Juna's eyes as well as making the other students surprised.

"Yah, Mingyu ah.. What are you talking about? What do you mean by my true colours? I'm still the same me!" She ferociously berated.

"You might still be the same you, but with more of your colours showing." Mingyu plainly told her.

"Are you rejecting me? Because of.. Because of her?!" She pointed her finger to me.

"Thanks to Aru, I learned your true colours from her." Everyone are booing Juna right now, I can see Juna's about to cry in a few more seconds. She stomped her feet and ran away while crying. Everyone are laughing for her for acting like a kid.

"Thank you, Mingyu." I smiled to him.

"No need to mention." He chortled.

"Oh! The competition will start in ten more minutes!" Mingyu exclaimed.

The three of us rushed to the basketball court, it was already filled with lots of students and even the teachers.

"Where's Wonwoo?" I asked Seungkwan the moment I took a seat beside him.

"Oh? Don't hyung tell you? He have to join in order to replace Hansol because Hansol's sick." Seungkwan stated, my eyes widened as I chocked.

That would be awesome!

I accidentally screamed the moment I saw Wonwoo entered the court because my boyfriend looks so handsome and hot, I couldn't help but to fangirl but I quickly covered my mouth, lucky enough the other students are screaming and shouting as well.

I chuckled while staring at Wonwoo. He used to be a short and tiny guy but now he've grown up, why does it feels like I'm a proud mother?

Wonwoo glanced at me.

I smiled and gave him my thumbs up as a good luck sign. He smiled back to me as he nodded his head.

Oh my god..

I can't wait for this to start. I like to see Wonwoo playing basketball and now here! He's even joining the basketball tournament!


Everyone are triumphantly screaming, shouting, yelling and even dancing in victory, our school won and will be participating in the quarter final by next week! I'm so happy and proud of the boys!

All the practices they've done aren't useless.

"Congrats!" I rushed to him and hugged him tightly.

"Yah, I'm sweating and I smell bad." Wonwoo tried to break the hug but failed since I refused.

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