"Can you please get out of my way?" I shout and the window goes down exposing Anzan sir.
"Sorry I did not see you there. My bad."

Like what? My tiny scooty is like the only one left there at the parking space out of all huge cars and the reverse lights are on. How can he not fucking see it?

"Okay then, can you move? I need to go back home before 7." I said coldly
"That's early, grounded because you did not go back home that night?" he replies as when I was walking back to my scooty. So, he remember but still chose to ignore it.
"No, family dinner? What do you think I am? Kindergarten?"
"Okay then, just asking. Good night." and he drives away. That is weird.


"Dad! I am home."

And there I see a man with a chef hat and an apron around his neck when I enter the house.

And there I see a man with a chef hat and an apron around his neck when I enter the house

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"Dad what are you doing?" I got worried as some unknown sauces on the apron and his face.

"Oh hey there beta, I am cooking something for dinner." he points the frying pan and there is fish that does not look eatable at all.

Soon enough, the frying pan started to burn. "Dad the fish." and he curses. Quickly he turns off the gas and stares at me.
"Change of plan, we are going out for the dinner. Be ready in 15." I chuckle to see my hardworking dad. Ever since my mom died, he has been the only one who took care of me and tries to give the best for me and my brother.


Night, 8:15 pm.

"You can order anything you want

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"You can order anything you want." he says, and I dived at the menu. As, this is a new place for me. Few minutes later, the waiter comes and we both order our dinner. He asks me about my college and current updates about my life; like friends, boyfriends and more. I ask him about his work. About his health and worries. He did a lot since mom left us, l can't be thankful enough to have such great dad.

Entangled Fate ~ Destined together. [Under Serious Edit]{ Completed }Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora