Chapter 4 - Escape From Vilgax's Forces Final; It's Rider Time!

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Here's the next chapter, I hope you enjoy it, special thanks to omegacrow-nexus and JonahShwarts for helping with this chapter!

Down the road, a few miles from the Nevada border to enter Utah, the Loud's newly bought really old RV drove down the sand-covered pavement. The RV was modern but still fairly old, it was blue and white with red lines with rust covering the bottom.

 The RV was modern but still fairly old, it was blue and white with red lines with rust covering the bottom

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Lori was hurling ass to get as far away from the town the drone saw them in. Her siblings were getting accustomed to the RV for the long trip, but also taking a bathroom break, turns out, they weren't given any form of bathroom breaks during their time on Vilgax's Ship.

Lola: Come On Lana! Hurry up! We all need to use the bathroom as much as you do!

Lola beat on the door with all the strength she could muster while trying to keep herself from blowing up, or rather blowing out, from the back. Lynn didn't seem to have any problems due to her superstitiousness about never going number two. Lincoln and Lori had gone before the siblings.

Asboth: (poking out from Lynn's hoodie) How do you not have any urges to relieve yourself?

Lynn: Years of eating poop-inducing food and holding it in!

Lynn took a bite out of a sub that Lincoln made her, the albino giving her a devious smile.

Asboth: You might just be the most interesting one of the lot due to how inhumanely durable your digestive system is.

Lynn: I know! Not even this sub that Lincoln made as a prank is gonna make me wanna bomb a bowl! (to Lincoln) Do you hear that lincoln?! You're not making me use the bathroom!

Lincoln: (hits the counter) Dammit! I loaded that thing with chili peppers and prunes!

Asboth: Is it always this way with the 11 of you?

Lynn: Oh, all the time. Trust me, you're gonna see long lines of my siblings going to any bathroom we go to. In a family of our size, it's rare to NOT see a line.

Lincoln: Sad thing is she's not exactly wrong... Hmm, never thought I'd say Lynn wasn't wrong.

Lynn: Still, we should probably speed things up a little since we did kinda... Humiliate those bikers...

Lincoln: WE didn't do anything. You did. All Lucy did was scare one and all I did was switch the safety on.

Lynn: Come on bro, we're family, we gotta be there for-

Lincoln: Ah ah ah. You ain't dragging me into jack anymore. I ain't the same gullible kid anymore.

Lynn: ... So... About you ex-girl-

Suddenly, Lincoln threw a knife at Lynn's head, while missing and hitting the wall behind her, Lynn was still startled by the action.

Lincoln: Say another goddamn word. And I ain't missing the next throw.

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