The fire

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It was chaotic.

Screams echoed around the clearing.

Civilians and Fire fighters were desperately trying to contain the blaze in hopes of diminishing the flames.

Smoke billowed from the burning building falling over the forest like morning fog.

Stiles sat wide eyed in the passenger seat of his fathers car watching as he watched the scene unfold before him.

"Stiles stay here!" Noah called to his son as he unbuckled his seatbelt and ran to assist the fireman in getting those who were still caught in the building to safety.

And he did, for once he listened to what his father told him to do and stayed put. That was, until his father disappeared from view and he couldn't see him anymore.

He unbuckled his seatbelt and jumped out the car frantically searching for his father, he couldn't lose another parent. The scent of burning flesh was suffocating and the smoke made his eyes water but he wouldn't give up. Not until he found his father.

Stiles was making his way over to the Deputies car to ask about his father when something caught his eye. He turned slightly and his eyes almost bulged out of his head. There were what looked to be multiple arms trying to claw their way out from an opening towards th-the back of the house. He looked to the firefighters debating for a moment whether he should run over to them and ask for help but there wasn't enough time.

He sprinted over to find at least 10 faces staring up at him with pure fear and desperation written across their faces and a metal grate blocking their way out.

"SOMEONE HELP ME!" he bellowed at the top of his lungs "THEIR AT THE BACK OF THE HOUSE!" he screamed hoping to get someone's attention but didn't wait around to see if anyone heard him, these people didn't have time for that, the needed help and they needed help now.

"I'm gonna get you guys out ok? stand back!" he called down to the family trapped inside. He could've sworn he saw glowing eyes look back at him but didn't pause long enough to dwell on it, passing it off as a trick of the light.

Stiles got down on his knees, searching frantically for a lock or something to unhinge the bars with but turning up with nothing.

No, no, no, there's got to be something here! Anything!

When he still turned up with nothing he turned to look helplessly at the metal grate when a stupid idea struck him.

C-could he try pulling it off?

He knew the idea was ridiculous, he was only 10 there was no way he was string enough to rip a metal grate from brick, and even if he could, the metal was so hot from the flames that he would get third degree burns before his hands made contact with the metal.

But there was something in the back of his mind, a feeling deep in his gut that told him he could do it. Given that he didn't have any other options he decided to give it a shot and reached forward.

Oh god this is crazy, what am I doing?!

Reaching forward he could already feel the heat licking his palms, it was uncomfortable but not yet painful. He knew it was only gonna get worse from here if he continued on like this.

Just rip it off like a band aid.

He took a deep breath and forced his hands the rest of the way, closing his fists around the bars of the grate.

New beginningsTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon