Jeez Get Me out

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I put everything on and dashed out the door, i was so excited my first time without anyone screaming out my name or my body guards being there.

As i was arriving at the school i looked up and these Japanese Schools really do got nice style.I started to walk in and some tall guy bumped into me. "Watch where your going!" i hissed.

"sorry i'm just late for class!" A guy said with a charming voice. I looked down at my watch. Damn it i'm going to be late too! Ran as quickly as i could and panted when i finally got at the door. all i heard was muttering about a new girl, i'm assuming that's me. I slid the door open and walked in.

Positioned myself and the middle, and smiled.
"Hey class, this is Ms. Sato. Present Yourself Lucy Sato."
"Hello! i'm really excited to be here i hope we can all get along" i said smiling.

I heard some muttering all i could hear was "wow she's so pretty" " i want to be friends with her!" "let's ask her out".  i looked at the teacher wondering where he was going to place me he pointed at the end of the room with some guy with a pompadour.... i have to sit next to someone who still uses 60's haircuts. I placed myself down and looked around.

He tapped on my shoulder, i got frightened! "sorry didn't mean to frighten you, I'm Josuke btw." Josuke said smiling. He was so cute that smile made me smile, i replied with "As you know i'm lucy." the teacher gave us a deadly stare ,that was our sign to pay attention.

Je hebt het einde van de gepubliceerde delen bereikt.

⏰ Laatst bijgewerkt: Feb 05, 2022 ⏰

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