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Chapter 341 Abandoned Mine or Top Grade Vein?

It seems that since she came to this time and space, her own good fortune, there has been no bad omen again.

But after more than three years, this situation suddenly appeared. Shen Yao felt very strange. If something bad happened, who would it be?

She now has the power to protect herself, and her safety will not be a problem, and her own Jin is by her side, besides, he is also an ancient warrior and has the ability to protect herself.

So what is this prophecy suggesting to yourself?

Suddenly, the gentle face of the old man appeared in her mind, and Shen Yao's hand holding the chopsticks tightened, and a trace of worry was born in her heart.

Seeing the little wife's face changed in an instant, Jun Jinmo asked her with concern, "What's wrong?"

When he was picking up vegetables, his hands stopped for a short time, but it still fell into his eyes.

"Girl, is it because the food is not to your appetite? If you don't like it, let Jun Qi go and cook a few more dishes."

Shen Hongyuan also found that Shen Yao's mood was a bit wrong. He thought that the food he helped to make tonight didn't taste good, so he asked aloud.

In the past few days, my appetite is very good, and the appetite for each meal is larger than that of the men.

Because of this incident, Gu Jin also teased Jun Jinmo and asked him if he had abused Shen Yao and starved her out, so once he came abroad, he became so edible.

Hearing that, Shen Yao suppressed the doubts in his heart, smiled at everyone, and said, "No, the food is very delicious. Uncle's cooking skills have improved a lot. I was thinking about mine matters just now, thinking about buying it the day after tomorrow. Several mountains."

There was a compliment to Shen Hongyuan in her words.

Although I have never eaten uncle's cooking before, through Xiaohao's recounting again and again, I can imagine that uncle's cooking skills are very poor.

It is estimated that the kind of food that can be cooked without cooking is already a blessing. There is no need to expect any taste. If you want to eat it, it is a very good thing.

Shen Yao pulled the corner of Jun Jinmo's clothes with his left hand, blinked quietly at him, told him to eat first, and wait for other things to be discussed after returning to the room.

"Sister, how many mines are you going to buy the day after tomorrow?" Gu Jin immediately became energetic when he heard the rough resources.

In the past few days, they have looked at the nearby hills. At present, he is more interested in mines No.3 and No.7.

As for other mines, he will look at the situation until the day of the auction, and if it is suitable, it is not bad to shoot two more rough resources.

Shen Yao remembered the situation he had surveyed the previous two days, and smiled, with a trace of mystery in his smile, "I have temporarily determined two with A Jin, and the other is still under consideration."

Jun Jinmo raised his eyes to look at Shen Hongyuan, and analyzed the real situation for him, "Shen Bo, on the day of the auction, don't participate in mines 1, 4 and 7, if you like the others, you can shoot."

Shen Hongyuan froze for a moment, then nodded in response, "Okay, when I get to the scene, I will act on your suggestions."

He believed that Jun Jinmo would not say this for no reason.

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