Part 1 Back in the family

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Luna only had one word to describe her state of mind... confused she had known that she was technically Bruno's adopted daughter but one day he had just given her to another family telling her that it would be best if she wasn't stayed there but now she was back. She was back in the same house her papa used to live in, she would be lying if she said she wasn't nervous she just stood there while her parents talked to her abuela.

Her parents had just come and dropped her off there after they found out about her being a madrigal. "Hola Bonita" a boy with curly brown hair and hazel eyes walked over and greeted her, Luna blushed at the sudden compliment "I don't think I've seen you around Chica" he smiled at her "I don't really go out much" she returned his kind smile and looked down hiding her blushing face.

He hummed as a response "well hermosa allow me to introduce myself" he took her hand "I am Camilo madrigal" he placed a small kiss on her knuckles, if she wasn't red as a tomato before she sure was now. "I-I'm l-Lina I-I mean luna my name is luna" she stuttered 'nice one luna you just completely embarrassed yourself' she thought annoyed "luna" he was still holding her hand and spun her around holding her close to his chest "un nombre tan hermoso para una niña hermosa" he winked at her she looked everywhere but his eyes

'He sure was charming that's for sure' she thought, Luna felt her cheeks burn with how close he was until she felt the boy being pulled back making her ears perked up "ack isa!" He groaned "flirting with the new girl already" she sighed "so typical of you" she looked at her and pushed Camilo aside "don't mind him" she smiled "I'm Isabella" 'wow she's really pretty' Luna smiled "I'm Luna" "Luna you must let me do your hair sometime" she said combing her fingers through her long black hair.

Luna laughed and smiled "sure" they exchanged a few more words then Isabella went back into the house Camilo glaring in her direction. She laughed "don't be so upset niño bonito" she said as he turned his head, surprised by her choice of words he was about to respond when abuela came back with her parents, they smiled at her and wished her good luck and promises to visit at least once a week.

Camilo stood there a bit confused "come you two we must get ready for breakfast there we will introduce you to everyone Luna" she smiled and the three of then walked off "so hermosa wanna explain" he gave her a side smirk as he walked with his hands behind his head "nah ah ah you have to figure that out yourself guapo" she laughed a bit as they made there way to eat.

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