Love is a Connection

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A tiny bit. Black hair midnight blue eyes with all black ninja gear but a two piece with a belt wrap around her waist. Skin pale as snow. Similar styles like Sasuke but a whole lot different. Besides that, Angel would never disclose information too much about those close to her. Sometimes of Sakura in a tiny bit way just to spice things up. Never telling a soul. Maybe a thing or two to Sasuke because he has mention to her that Sakura has been a little distance around him. Like if she's distracted by something. He has waited until she was ready to talk about it but no dice. Nothing was said. Angel couldn't find the answer either even tried to ask too. Nothing. Sakura is not in the right state of mind. Something is wrong. Angel didn't notice the looks from Naruto and Kakashi staring in a concern matter.

"Is something wrong?" Naruto asked first "Kind of." Angel looks at her cousin "I remember Sakura has been acting weird as of late. To Sasuke approaching about the matter" She adds on "No dice from her." Kakashi response "Nothing?" She shook her head "Wow maybe it's because of the postpone war trauma?" Naruto chimes in "That can't be Kakashi!" he shouts a bit not too much "Sakura is strong enough to take on anything even what we had to go through in the war." He adds "Whatever Sakura is going through. This getaway will be at help even for Sasuke." Kakashi nods in agreement as Angel nods too. "Well, when do we start this plan?"

Naruto cheers as speaks about his list of ideas on locations of the area to explore. Angel made the Inn arrangements at one of her family member's popular Inns. Gather everything in place. To make it a magical bonding experience. Operation match making love train for Sasuke and Sakura. Naruto and Kakashi were discussing a form of plan to make sure everything goes smoothly.

They will travel to the hidden mist then the actual destination is the land of water. Which is where the fancy Inn of Angel's relative is. Naruto helped with the tour activities like spa, hot springs, and dinner. Yes, he wanted to mess with Sasuke of having ramen with Sakura for the dinner. Good thing Kakashi only allowed to choose the spa and hot springs only. He left the dinner to Angel and room choices. A big fancy suite with soundproof walls in the bedroom. Oh yes Angel never had mentioned that part but leaves it for the grand surprise.

Angel keeps her month shut. Kakashi and his students have finished making the arrangements for Sasuke and Sakura's vacation getaway. Everything is all set to go. Yamato had appeared telling them that Sakura and Sasuke have been contacted, so they are on the way to the Hokage tower. Naruto and Angel were about to excuse themselves, but Kakashi wanted them to stay so when he can tell them the news.

So, they stayed until Sasuke and Sakura have arrived to the Hokage tower. Kakashi staring at his two best friends ever so lovely and happily as ever could be. Sasuke was not having it, so he asked, "What's your problem, Kakashi?" standing there a few feet away from him and Sakura. "Why he's smiling about?" He turns to Naruto who has a snorkel grin on his face. "Huh!? What do you mean?" He was cut off from his train of thought. "Excuse him Sasuke, he keeps thinking his precious ramen." Angel spoke for Naruto that Sasuke shrugs his shoulders as turns his attention to his mentor. "So Kakashi what brings us here?" Sakura started to speak as Kakashi replies "I called you guys here because you are going on a mission to cover tracks of an unknown enemy after the great war." He adds "It was just spotted recently." He pushes a small file towards them "We barely have any information about it."

Sasuke studies the files carefully as he saids "Where is it heading? Any witnesses?" Kakashi nods "Yes there been spotted around the hidden mist for some time." Sakura processing the information "Alright but where are they heading towards next?" The cherry stood there looking at the files with Sasuke. "There heading towards the land of Water and already been some reports there." Kakashi grasp his hands together in a serious matter. Sakura looked to Sasuke as they both looked at the files. They noticed the part of teleporting in a sentence then somewhat of a clone of zetsu. There back? Theirs is no way that zetsu clones are still running around right after the war?! We defeated them together! Sasuke starts to squeeze the paper a bit in anger as his bandage hand form into a fist. This mission is already starting to sound so dangerous that he would go alone and deal with it in his own terms.

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