Chapter 10 ~END

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You were walking home by yourself. Ever since Scaramouche had left mysteriously, you haven't seen him since. Latest gossip says that BTYN got suspended but that was the least of your worries since you didn't care for him anymore.

You were worried about confessing to Scaramouche whenever it's possible. Since he wants to talk to you today, maybe you can confess there aswell?

You just didn't know what to do. As you opened the gates to your home and was greeted by your mother. You collasped on to bed to distract your thoughts. The sun was starting to set as you changed and took a shower. Then you got a idea that could be a bit risky...

You went downstairs to the living room where your mother was, she was just relaxing while watching TV.

"...Uhm, mum?"

She paused the show that she was watching and turned to look at you. "Oh, hello sweetie! Come, sit next to me." You walked up to her and did as you were told. You frowned causing a reaction from your mother. "Honey? What's wrong? Why have such a long face?" She asked worried.

You looked at her then looked away and sighed. "Mum...Do you have any advice for confessing to someone?" You ask, your cheeks slightly turning red. "Ah! I was waiting for this day to come. Have you finally found someone who you think is right for you?" She asked smiling and you nodded not being able to look at her out of embarrassment.

She turned off the TV and grabbed your cheeks forcing you to look straight at her and suddenly turned serious. "Listen up, before I give advice..." She says letting go of you. "Tell me, what do they look like? How are they like? Are they nice? Are you two already friends? Do you know their true personality? Wait what gender are they?!" Your mum was excited and you appreciated her energy but it was a bit overwhelming.

"Mum, relax. I'll answer your questions." You said calming her down. "He is a boy, he is slightly taller than me and has indigo hair and eyes that you could stare at forever and get lost in. Also on some days he wears red eye-liner!" You were blushing alot and really enjoyed talking about him.

Your mother's POV

'My child is finally starting to grow up...She seems to enjoy talking about him. He must be the right one for her.' Her smile was so contagious, 'I really am proud of her.' :)

Your POV!

After finally explaining everything to your mother, it was her turn to speak and give advice. "So, since you two are already close to eachother, I suggest to just be yourself and show him the real you by being super confident! This advice is pretty basic but sometimes, being basic is key to achieving what you want." She spoke without dropping her smile once. Then she stood up and went infront of you. Putting her hands to her chin to imply that she was thinking.

"But how do I dress?! What do I say?!" You asked anxiously. She immediately glared at you with a straight face before smiling once again. "Dress however you want! Never dress to impress someone if they don't accept you for who you are. It's never about the looks, it's about the personality. People's looks sometimes just sugarcoat their trashy ass personality. I can tell that the persom that your talking about is perfect for you! He hasn't once been rude so I think your fine!" Once she finished she sat back down and grabbed your hands, placing them into her own.

"Don't worry honey, you'll be fine. Don't stress too much either." She assured you. "Thanks mum!" You smiled at her and she let go of your hands as you stood up. "No problem sweetie." She said looking up at you as you then went back to your room and once again, collapsed onto bed.

You sat up and grabbed your phone, immediately texting Scaramouche.


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