Chp. 1 (1/4)

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The only thought that seemed to race into my mind, no, more like the only thought that seemed to hit me as my body hit the hard cement, was "Ouch."

Not that deep, huh? Not very poetic, nor was it an amazing self epiphany of life, just 'Ouch'. Yeah, no nostalgic flashback of kid me crashing off his bike and onto the warm cement outside my childhood home. There was no mommy or daddy to rush out with band aids for little Eddie's boo boos.

Just the sight of ants crossing over across the cement, the smell of car smoke and scorched tires, the sound of a piercinging loud car alarm, just the feeling of something warm and sticky spreading over the side of my face.

I was about to die and the last thing I was going to see were ants.

Super poetic.

But I didn't die there, not quite yet at least.

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