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Mila and lia had most classes together so they mostly hung out even in class, lia was very focused in her classes and was even a straight A student so she most of the time focused on class meanwhile Mila was half way done with a worksheet and day dreaming about Anthony larusso.

Lia laughs and nudges her, "the teacher is coming soon you should probably finish that and stop day dreaming about your lover boy!" She said teasing.

Mila finally came back to her senses and shakes her head laughing with lia, "I am not day dreaming.." she says denying it finishing up her worksheet.

After class lia decided to text Kenny that she would be inviting her best friend as well and also Anthony.

Kenny didn't say much but just replied with okay.

Meanwhile lia made a group with the four of them
Together so they can text together and be prepared for the group fun this Saturday.

It was mostly for her best friend who so badly wanted Anthony's number.

So she could dm him privately, without making it seem weird.

"So what will you text him?"

"I am not sure to be honest I'm glad I have his number but I don't know what should be the first text message I want it to be perfect and not weird you know, like a hello might be too dry And if I just talk too much..he might not like that either I don't wanna seem Too excited or else he'll be suspicious I want to say something with balance not too much not too little.."

Lia laughs at her friend who was being indecisive. "Or you could just say hey with an emoji maybe his favorite emoji?" She sighed.

Mila wanted to become close with Anthony, just like her best friend and Anthony. She wanted to know his favorite things as well it just made her a little jealous that lia even knew the things he liked and called his favorite the little details.

"Look it's gonna be okay in time you and him will get close and who knows maybe even date." Lia said encouraging her friend to have hope.

"Yeah but I don't know what if he doesn't like me? And I come off as annoying?"

"Your not annoying your a great person and your also very pretty He would be blind and stupid not to like someone as amazing as you trust me!" Lia hugged Mila and smiled.

Mila decided to text him hello with the white heart emoji, it was calm nothing too crazy.

She waited for him to reply but he was fast and replied hello as well, waving.

"He texted back! Look he waved at me!" She jumped up in excitement her best friend laughs, "are you that excited over a hello?"

"Not just any hello a hello from Anthony larusso!"

Some people heard her and laughs. "Lola you have a new rival."

"I know right? Like who does she think she is? Anthony and Lola are gonna be together soon she shouldn't be hitting on other peoples man's." One of Lola's minions said.

Lola laughs, "girls girls he wouldn't like her back even if she was a try hard, we already know Im the one he wants, I'm better with everything..she can't even go up to him, she needs her best friend to help her just to get his number."

"I know she's so creepy."

"To be honest..though he had liked her best friend for a long time.."

"I have an idea."Lola said giggling.

After class ended Mila went with lia to go grab a text book for her next class when she opened up the locker, there was a note that fell out.

A letter from Anthony larusso.

She was so excited she opened it right away and Lola and her minions looked at her from afar laughing.

Dear Mila..
I am really sorry I know this is hard to say but I am not interested in you at all I still really like lia as her best friend, you should try and understand? You'll find someone soon.

Her heart shattered into pieces. "What is it?" Lia asked mila.

"It's nothing." Mila ripped up the note and threw it away.

I can be the one.Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt