Bobot Headcanons (+ Au's)

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(Normal/Original Bobot)



"This is fine"


Slight feelings for Bobal, but keeps them well hidden

Acts like an older brother sometimes

( Bobot [Discord/Disorder Au])

Feelings for Bobal are obvious

Likes gaming

He has a reserved demeanor

He owns a kazoo

( Bobot [Angels and Demons Au])

A mortal


Is aware that demons and angels exist, but doesn't care much

(Bobot [Heartbreak Au)

Attended the wedding

He's not an edge lord

Is concerned for Bob and Bosip

"Maybe they should try contacting each other? Just to kind of clear things up"

(Monster Bobot [Not an Au but my little sister's version of Bobot, also this version is not related to the monster au])

He's not edgy

He makes jokes

Very friendly

Eventually, he confesses to Bobal

Often wears his armor

A monster

"Bad Bobal, bad! We do not swear"

(Monster Bobot [Monster Au])

Despite looking like a human he isn't, he is 100% monster

He's the one with the syringes that hold the blood to calm down Bosip when he's feral

He covers both his eyes with bandages and his hair, one reason is that the whole sclera is black with only his iris being visible, his other eye covered by his hair is permanently shut because of something Bosip did

Despite not being able to use his eyesight, he relies on his hearing and audio cues instead to get around

Is one of Bob's favorite members of the gang

Is dating Bobal

Sprays Bobal with the spray bottle if he starts excessively swearing, especially in front of Bowaev

He has a sword, uses it to kill

Has a huge syringe filled with blood on his back for emergencies, if the little syringes aren't enough to tame/calm Bosip down

He doesn't really care about terrorizing humans but goes along with Bob's plans regardless

(Amorsworld Bobot [Eddsworld Au])


Usually never panics, it is very rare for him to full-on panic but he will display concern

He has drip

Buys all the cereals that the gang likes


(Glazier Bobot [Note: This Au has no name atm, suggestions are welcomed])

Works with Bobal

He Fears Bob, he gets scared and nervous when he and Bobal are called to help with Bob's windows so they try to get the job done as fast as they can when called by him. He also feels threatened by Bob

Has a little crush on Bobal

If he ever encounters Bob he always calls Bobal for help

(Bobot [Future Au])

30 years old

A little more open

Married to Bobal

A bit edgier than he already was

Best friends with Inie

Visits Bob, Bosip, and the rest of the gang when he has time

He babysits Boskip, Bocean, and Bobay if Bowaev isn't available

Still uses the spray bottle on Bobal if he loses his temper

(Knight Bobot [Royal Au])

Is a knight 

Slight feelings for Bobal

"Okay I don't wanna do it, but I'll do it anyway" (This refers to him and Bobal going on patrols when it's extremely cold)

Usually follows Bobal around when he's investigating things, to provide extra help and protection

If he witnesses Bobal making fun of Bob's best friend or Bob himself, he will step in to drag Bobal away. He usually gets Bobal to cooperate and leave with him by either saying: "C'mon Bobal we're on our break, let's go relax for a little I have treats." or "Bobal I can't find the cereal"

He knows that perfect spot to scratch Bobal behind the ears, he usually scratches Bobal there if he's had a rough day or to calm him down a bit. He'll  also give Bobal head pats and pet him

If Bobal excessively swears he calls for Bob's best friend to spray Bobal with holy water

(S.C.P Bobot [SCP Au])

Is known as SCP 5477

Humanoid scp

Does not like his appearance whatsoever

"I did it, I broke it let me pay for it..."


Is always allowed out of his containment since he's harmless

He really enjoys Koolaid, especially the pink lemonade flavor

Doesn't like the fact that he is an scp

Scared of almost everything in the facility 

Cries on the inside

Doesn't really talk to anything or anyone

"This isn't your average facility, it's an advanced facility"

Usually hides behind Amor or Boder because he doesn't like being seen

Is familiar with Boder

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