Chapter 89 Discovering Tang San's Secret!

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The guy called Bu Le was scrapped by Xiao Wu.

From then on, there was also a hint of fear in Ma Hongjun's eyes when he looked at Xiaodai.

As the crowd won more and more day by day, Yu Xiaogang decided to take the crowd to an unusual real battle, a death match.

According to Yu Xiaogang's words, only those who had truly experienced the baptism of blood could truly become strong.

Only then could they recognise the cruelty of the Spirit Master world in advance.

When Dai Mubai and the others heard this from Yu Xiaogang, they had already been impatient for a long time.

You still need to say this, Su Yi had told them long ago.

So, on this day when the Shrek crowd was preparing to participate in the Deathmatch Arena.

Tang San gave a kind of crossbow, telling the crowd that this crossbow was called the Zhuge Continuous Crossbow, which shot eight arrows at a time and had extremely strong penetrating power.

Even a Spirit Dweller, without full defence, would be killed by this Zhuge Lianqi crossbow.

Tang San had given Su Yi a copy of the Zhuge Crossbow.

Moreover, apart from the Zhuge Continuous Crossbow, Tang San gave the crowd various concealed weapons for self-defence, as well as telling them how to use them.

When Tang San said the words Zhuge Lian Crossbow, Su Yi's eyes flashed a hint of power awning as he looked at Tang San.

In this Spirit Master Continent, there simply couldn't be such a thing as a Zhuge Lian Crossbow in existence.

Since he could be reborn into this world, then perhaps others could as well.

And the Tang San in front of him was clearly only twelve years old, and his concealed weapon technique was the top existence in this this world.

Moreover, if Tang San hadn't told the crowd that this was a concealed weapon.

The Seven Treasures Glazed Sect's young princess Ning Rongrong, as well as Ma Hongjun Oscar, all these civilians, everyone would not have known that this was a concealed weapon.

From this moment, Su Yi caught the biggest secret in Tang San's body.

This Tang San was definitely not a person from this world either.

Otherwise, how could he know so many things at only twelve years old.

Especially the words concealed weapons, and Zhuge Lianxiao.

From the first time they met, they knew that Tang San was an expert in concealed weapons, and in playing with poison.

Only, he didn't think further.

It was only when he heard the words Zhuge Liancao that Su Yi dared to be completely sure.

Concealed weapons, and poison, such things were obviously something that only the Tang Sect had.

After all, it was not as if there were no Tang Clan people in Heaven's Destiny. One of the elders of Heaven's Destiny was an elder of the Tang Sect.

Only, in his memory, that elder of the Tang Clan in Heaven's Destiny did not have Tang San's kind of concealed weapon technique at all.

Although among Heaven's Destiny, that elder's concealed weapon was the number one in Heaven's Destiny, however, relative to Tang San, it was more than one level behind.

After all, when he was constantly abusing Tang San. The concealed weapons that Tang San threw at him would shoot at him again, no matter which direction they were thrown in, even if they were blocked away by him.

For this reason, Tang San's concealed weapons had not caused Su Yi much trouble.

Moreover, the poisons they used for their Heavenly Fate were all configured by that Elder.

Therefore, after Tang San said the Zhuge Lian Crossbow, Su Yi was eighty percent sure that this Tang San, was a Tang Sect disciple reincarnated in this world.

Only, Su Yi knew here and did not choose to alarm the snake.

Now, he felt that this world, was becoming more and more interesting.

There was a 100,000-year Spirit beast transformed into a human body around him, Xiao Wu, which was his sixth Spirit ring and Spirit bone.

And now, there was actually a Tang San who was even more interesting to Su Yi than Xiao Wu.

It was the first time Su Yi had been so excited when he came to this world.

"Tang San, Mubai, when you guys go up there later, you must be the first to use the Zhuge Lianqi. After all, this isn't an ordinary Spirit fight, but the kind that divides life and death."

"It doesn't matter even if you kill your opponent, because, this time, the opponents I've found for you guys are the most vicious and cruel group of people in this Great Spirit Duel Arena. Therefore, you guys should not have any mental burden either, understand?"

Yu Xiaogang stood in front of the gate of the Great Spirit Fighting Arena in Soto City and looked at the crowd as he admonished.

"Understood, Master! (Master)"

Hearing these words, the crowd walked towards the Great Spirit Dueling Arena, all of them with serious faces.

The only one with a relaxed and relaxed face was only Su Yi.

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