Chapter 10-

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It is currently 1am and Matteo just went to have a shower in the tiny bathroom that is in this even tinier house.

I yawn loudly as I set down the tub of ice cream we both just devoured and stretch out my legs and arms.

I hate having showers at night so I'll have one in the morning, plus it's almost 1am so I'd more than likely fall asleep in it.

I slowly but surely get up from the kitchen stool I was sitting on since there is no couch in this small house.

The bedroom is in a separate room that I haven't been in yet because as soon as we finished looking for a couch I found the ice cream and couldn't put it down.

I decide to take a stroll into the bedroom to see exactly what bed I'd be sharing with him. Im not excited nor dreading it.

I have this strange feeling in my stomach, not bad nor good.

I can't figure it out.

I push on the door and am suddenly greeted by a very small, just about double bed.

It is a single bed with a little extension, it's that small.

Trust me.

I hear the shower turn off meaning Matteo will be out shortly.

Time to get out of my dress and into my pyjamas quickly so I can choose the bigger side of the bed.

I grab my bag from the main room and run back into the bedroom.

I speed around really fast and take my makeup off, leaving the wipes in the trash can and I put on my pyjamas, my short shorts and short sleeved shirt.

A girl has got to be comfy.

I choose the bigger looking side of the bed, one that definitely is tricking me and is smaller.

We will go with it tonight.

I slide under the comforter slowly and the bed nearly breaks beneath me.

I snuggle under the comforter and light a candle beside the bed on the tiny bed side table.

I mean tiny.

As in t i n y.

Next thing you know out walks Matteo from the bathroom door and I feel my shoulders sink into the bed along with my red plastered face.

He is wearing plaid pyjama trousers and-

That's it.

They are also hanging dangerously low around his waist.

Okay. Okay. Deep breaths.

"In bed already?" He asked while drying his hair roughly with the towel.

I don't think my mouth can psychically fix its position from the ground.

It's hanging as low as his plaid pyjamas at the minute.

"Everything okay?" He gave me a look of confusion.

Hmm. Yep. No.

"Yes." I grumbled out while slowly breaking eye contact with his torso, controlling myself.

I fiddled with the candle as he scurried around the room.

Don't look at the torso.

His perfectly toned body is tempting. So very tempting.

I've finally seen what he's been hiding under all them black suits.

Lord have mercy.

I quickly get out of the warm bed I snuggled into and go to the bathroom to brush my teeth and take the glitter out of my hair.

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