Chapter 9 ~

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"EXPELLED?! YOU GOT EXPELLED? W-WHAT?!" You panicked and squeezed his hand since Scaramouche was a close friend of yours now and you didn't want to lose him. "I...I'm sorry Y/N." He sighed while letting go of your hand.

He turned so his back could face towards you and before walking away, he carefully chose his last few words.

"I was the one who wanted to meet you at the pond at 7:30pm. Please don't forget to meet me there..." He said before leaving.

You stood there, now upset. You didn't know what to do. You didn't know how to feel.

You always thought of Scaramouche as a friend but now...You feel like you developed a little crush on him too...But you're still in love with BTYN and nothing can change that.

So now, what you have to do is very clear.


Right now, it's 1:57pm, class is going to start in a few minutes.

School ends at 3:30pm. I'll go home and mentally prepare.

At 6:30pm, I'll go meet my crush and confess.

Then at 7:30pm I'll go meet Scaramouche and see what he has to say.


'Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do. Good job, Y/N, you are so organised.' While you were praising yourself, the school bell started ringing and it was class time.

While you were taking your seat, you noticed that the person who usually sits beside you, Scaramouche, wasn't here. 'Strange.' You thought but didn't look any further into it and started to pay attention in class.

Everything was going fine until someone else walked in the class. You hoped for it to be Scaramouche but it was not, infact, to you, it was someone better. BTYN soon made a grand entrance and walked into the classroom. Sitting down next to you, completely ignoring the fact that it wasn't even his seat and that he was late to class. This caused a negative reaction from your teacher. "BTYN. Stand up." He did as he was told and stood up. "Tell me, why are you late?" He didn't seem to mind the fact that everyone, including you was staring at him.

"Ma'am, I suppose you didn't get the news that I was in the nurse's office?"

The teacher looked confused and shook her head. "No, I was not informed of that. Would you like to tell me what happend?"

"Well, I was hit by a student. Kind of like how your husband hits on other woman in the strip club when your at school." He snickered looking smug and also earned laughs from the rest of the class. Except for you. Your eyes widened at what he had said, it was wrong. So wrong. You looked at BTYN then at your teacher, she looked so hurt by that.

You thought it was wrong,
you knew it was wrong.
But yet,
you failed to say something that was right.

You were scared, you didn't want him to hate you and possibly reject you when the time comes. So you just awkwardly laughed aswell.

"..." The teacher was silent.

"Oh, cat got your tongue? I'm sure that other men also got a taste of your tongue too, you filthy whore." The class was laughing alot by now.

'Why is he saying this? This is not even funny...' But yet, you stayed quiet, your lips shut tight. You felt so bad for your teacher though.

'That's it, stop twisting my own words and using it against me. Go to the principle's office." The teacher finally spoke up and pointed to the door, gesturing him to get out.

"I don't think I will." He chuckled.

"Says who?" The teacher responded sharply.

"Says your oldest daughter that I hooked up with last night." The class was as loud as a zoo. They thought it was the funniest thing ever, even though it wasn't. The teacher reacted with a gasp, she was not tolerating this type of disrespect but yet, she couldn't get the class under control.

'That's enough. I'm going to say something now.' You thought to yourself, looking up at BTYN who was still standing up. You have to admit, you were scared and intimated but you gathered up all the courage that you had and slowly stood up. Earning the glare of the teacher and students. You mentally sighed before speaking up.

"Stop that. That wasn't even funny, it was just messed up and straight up rude." You glared right at him. He looked a bit confused at the sudden confrontation but still, he spoke back. Much more confident than you."Oh look, it's the girl who has a crush on me, going against me aswell! How ironic, The one who can't even go a day without looking at me, now trying to argue with me. Everytime I catch you looking at me, I get the chills! It's creepy as fuck dude!" He said while looking at the class, pointing at you.

You were a bit embarrassed but continued on.

"I'm not a pussy, I'll admit, I had a crush on you but not anymore. You just made me realise how low I put down my standards so I no longer find any intrest in you." You spat at him. The classroom looked invested as they didn't expect a comeback.

"Pfft, like I care. Oh yeah, also Scaramouche is such a fucking bitch. What kind of dude would punch someone just because of personal feelings?!" He frowned.

"Do you have nothing else to say to me or something? Because I don't think my name is Scaramouche. If you got something to say to me then fucking spit it out." You growled at him not even looking away from him for a second.

"I bet you think that you're so cool for going against me but trust me, you will regret ever even liking me even if you've already moved on."

"So you're saying that I'll regret liking you as in your not worth being liked by someone like me? Because I don't think you belong to anyone nor does anyone belong to you because your 'good looks' doesn't help sugarcoat your trashy ass personality. Even the stupidst people in the world know to not get with you because most likely you'll just use them and move on. Kind of sad, you know that you won't be able to find true love so you just date those who found love in you." You spoke cautiously, watching his face turn even angrier that's how you know you hit a weak point. The class just watched in amusement.

No one had realised that as soon as you stood up, the teacher had left. She left to get the principle. And trust me, she was not happy.

You could hear the principle's heels making noise against the concrete, smooth floor as she opened the door and ordered everyone to sit down.

When everyone, including you sat down. The principle then walked over to BTYN and glared at him. Standing infront of his desk, arms crossed.

"You and I will need to have a little chit-chat in my office. Go. Now." She pointed to herself and him while saying that to him as BTYN replied with "Sheesh, okay, take a chill pill bro." Before he stood up and left.

You silently sighed to yourself as you finally came to the realisation that he was not the one for you. You just sugar-coated everything by only thinking about everything good about him. Not even trying to compare it to all the terrible things that he has done.

You smiled finally getting over him now knowing who you truly love and belong to. The only thing is,

Will Scaramouche like you back?


woooah I got a chapter out on new years yes!!!! Well I didn't really intend on making BTYN and Y/N fight but here we are. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and I'll try to realise another one today aswell but I'm not going to make any promises.

Byebye! And happy new year!

Word count : 1360!

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