Swaping Boyfriends?! (Jevon & Joliver)

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This chapter is just crazy idk. But I hope you enjoy.

Authors POV:

Jake, Devon, Junior, and Oliver were all coming up with things to make their boring night fun. Jake had an idea.... A crazy idea I might add. He decided that they should all swap boyfriends for 24 hours. Oliver of course agreed being up to the challenge. Devon agreed but Junior stayed silent. "Oh come in Jun Jun, just do it" Oliver said elbowing Junior. "Fine but if something goes wrong I'm blaming it on you" Junior said looking at Oliver.

Oliver out his arm around Junior and laughed. "Alright so challenge starts now, it's 9:30pm so we'll stop at 9:30pm tomorrow" Jake said. "Alright" Oliver replied with. "Oliver your with me, Devon your with Junior" Jake said. "Why do I have to be with you" Oliver said. "Because it's weird for my cousin to be dating me for 24 hours" Jake replied with slapping Oliver's neck. "Whatever" Oliver said rubbing his neck. Oliver dragged Jake up to his room while Devon and Junior stayed in the living room.

"So Jake what are you into" Oliver said. "Drawin-" "Never mind, I don't care" Oliver said cutting Jake off. Jake pushed Oliver slightly causing Oliver to push him back. "You seriously wanna do this right now" Oliver said. "Your damn right" Jake said pushing Oliver. "Okay that's it" Oliver pushed Jake on the bed. He grabbed his hands and make Jake slap himself repeatedly. "Get off Oliver!".

Meanwhile with Devon and Junior.

Junior laughed "there is no way you did that" Junior said. "Yeah I was a bad kid" Devon said laughing. "Get off Oliver!" Jake yelled. "What was that?" Junior said. "Make me get off!" Oliver yelled. Devon and Junior turned to each other and began laughing. "They are so childish" Devon said. "Junior get your boyfriend!" Jake yelled. "I'm sorry but I'm already with my boyfriend!" Junior yelled back laughing.

The room door opened and Jake was dragging Oliver down the stairs. "I have had enough" Jake said. "What's so funny" he said as he saw the two boys laughing. Jake walked closer to the couch and pushed Oliver on it making him sit down. "Ouch!" Oliver said. "Oh shush" Jake said sitting next to Devon.

"The challenge must go on" Junior said. "I can't deal with him" Oliver said. "Oh you can't deal with me?, you were the one that sat on me almost killing me" Jake said. Devon laughed laying his head on Junior who soon bursted out laughing as well. "Let's play truth or dare" Devon said. "Fine" Jake said sighing. "I'm up first, so Oliver I dare you to..... kiss Jake" Junior said while smirking. "What?! No" Oliver yelled. "It's a dare so do it" Devon said. "Devon I'm literally your boyfriend how are you okay with this" Jake said. "Mm your not my boyfriend until 9:30pm tomorrow so tick tock Jake"Devon said. "Either kiss or promise to get along with each other" Junior said.

"Okay fine  we'll get along with each other" Oliver said sitting next to Jake. "Yeah okay fine" Jake said.

Sorry this is kind of short but I'm trying to post as much as I can.

Chucky series one shots❤️ Joliver and Jevon❤️Where stories live. Discover now