Peas stop.

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Team dinners had become a regular occurrence at the tower especially since so many lived there full time now. Everyone rotated cooking responsibilities and each meal was far from a boring experience, especially when Stella and Lena were sat next to each other. They often were so mischievous that Tony constantly tried to separate them. Tonight was one of the nights the two girls managed to sit next to each other and while everyone else was talking started formulating a plan.

"Want to see who can throw the most peas at Bucky before he or Tony get mad and separate us again?" Lena asked.

"Lena, we are adults," Stella paused thinking it over and trying to feign maturity "they've both annoyed me today though so you're on."

With that, the two started to discreetly throw peas across the table when neither man was looking. Clint caught the two doing it and snorted a laugh the two girls the whole looking over at him Stella and Lena giving him a death glare that read say a word and you're dead.

"Sorry I was just thinking about something Nat said earlier." Clint lied Natasha looking at him and then the two girls smirking catching on to their game.

"Shopping trip on you if Bucky yells at you first." she mouthed.

"You're so on." Stella mouthed back.

They carried on throwing peas Bucky either not noticing or just deciding to stay quiet. It was about ten minutes into the vegetable air assault when Tony slammed his hands on the table.

"Enough you two!" he yelled, "will you please stop throwing peas at Barnes they are going to get smashed into the rug."

"I think you mean peas stop," Stella said causing the whole to burst table into laughter and Tony to roll his eyes and excuse himself from the table.

"By the way Nightingale, I plan on getting payback I just wanted to see how long it would take for your brother to snap," Bucky said to Stella with a mischievous glint in his eye.

"You have peas in your hair frosty," Lena said causing Clint and Nat to start laughing again.

AN: Not my best work, but to be fair don't expect the best when most of these ideas for the one-shots are the ravings of three mentally unstable and manic people. Love you all. Big thanks goes to Sav and Sage for helping me come up with ideas for these and making me laugh so much.

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